Rewrite error in newly instantiated virtual host

Using the existing Rails virtual host template, I have an existing member called redmine. When I do a graceful restart, there are no errors reported on the Home page of the server administrator. If I then go in a create a new member of the template called vsiep, I get the follow error in the log after doing a graceful restart:

[config:vhost:vsiep:context:/] rewrite: Rewrite rule missing substitution string. while parsing: RewriteRule ^$

The site works, but this error is on the log. If I instantiate it and do another graceful restart, the error goes away. But that defeats the purpose of the template.

Any ideas?
Hi mistwang,

I can only assume that it's the rewrite rule in the Rails context of the EasyRailsWithsuEXEC template. I have not added/changed anything to do with rewrites as I'm not knowledgeable about them.

RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA]

Is there some place else in the configuration that I could find a rewrite rule?


LiteSpeed Staff
OK, fix to this issue is in the 3.3.4 release. build for Linux 32bit and 64bit packages are available now, just change the version number in download link to get it.