Rewrite Issue or Issue with PHP?

None of my (working on Apache) rewrites are being masked or allowing any POST data under Litespeed

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^search/ [L,QSA]

Using a simple HTML form,

If I POST (via action) to search/, the $_POST array is empty and the URL incorrectly shows in the address bar as search.php (not masked - but is showing that the rewrite is being used)

If I POST (via action) to search.php (direct with no rewrite), the $_POST array is correctly populated and the URL shows in the address bar as search.php

What am I missing?

Thanks! Someone else suggested that and it did resolve it. I'm just confused as to why it doesnt work with the full URL.

Is LS's rewrite support just not 100% fully compatible with Apache's?


Staff member
LiteSpeed rewrite is compatible most of the time with apache but it has some slightly different implementation in some cases.