Rewrite Question

Hi. I'm putting next rewrite rule
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
This rule works but if i'm entering to the site by i'm getting << two slashes at the end. So i removed the slash in rule
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
Now all works fine but is this normal for 301 redirect?

Next trouble is:
RewriteRule ^search(.*) search.php
Rule don't work. I want to have url like can you tell me how can i make it? Many thanks.


LiteSpeed Staff
If the rewrite rule is configured at vhost level, the matching URL incudes the leading '/', if the rewrite is configured at context or .htaccess level, the leading '/' is part of the "RewriteBase" which is removed from the matching URL.

So, you should change your rewrite rule to
RewriteRule ^/search(.*) search.php
It should match.
The same for your first rewrite rule.
Hi again *_* I got next trouble:
Under apache url's were:
Now i get 404 not found error.
Here is the url_rewrite.php code
//echo "<br/><br/><br/><br/>".str_replace( '_' , ' ' ,substr(strrchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '/'), 1, -5));
//echo "<br /><br /><br />".substr(strrchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '/'), 1);
$url = substr(strrchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '/'), 1);
$dir = str_replace($url, '', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
$cat = substr(strrchr(substr($dir, 0, -1), '/'), 1);
$par = substr($url,strpos($url,"?")+1,strlen($url));
if($par != '' || $par != $url ){
$subname = str_replace( '_', ' ', substr(str_replace( $par, '', $url), 0, -6));
$subname = str_replace( '_', ' ', substr($url, 0, -6));

$page = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$url = substr(strrchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '/'), 1);
$dir = str_replace($url, '', $page);
$subcat = substr ($dir, 10, -1);
$cat = str_replace('-', ' ', $subcat);
$par = substr($url,strpos($url,"?")+1,strlen($url));
$subname = str_replace('-', ' ', substr(str_replace( $par, '', $url), 0, -0));
echo "<br/><br/><br/><br/>";
echo "page: ".$page."<br/>";
echo "url: ".$url."<br/>";
echo "dir: ".$dir."<br/>";
echo "cat: ".$cat."<br/>";
echo "par: ".$par."<br/>";
echo "subname: ".$subname."<br/>";
if($dir == "/category/"){
$subcat = $url;

if($url != 'index.html' && $url != '' && $dir != "/category/"){
I think problem in REQUEST_URI part. What do you think?


LiteSpeed Staff
I think 404 error is because LSWS cannot find a proper handler script for this URL.
I guess file $DOC_ROOT/category/news does not exist on your server, request of should be rewritten to a php script. Please show me the rewrite rule, or the URL to the target php script, and where you plan to configure the rewrite rule.

Remember, rewrite at vhost level is different from rewrite rule at directory or .htaccess level, same is true for Apache, if you move rewrite rules from inside a <directory> directive from httpd.conf to vhost level in LSWS, you need add the rewrite base back to the rewrite rule. Or, define a LSWS context and use the same rewrite rule there.
I think 404 error is because LSWS cannot find a proper handler script for this URL.
I guess file $DOC_ROOT/category/news does not exist on your server, request of should be rewritten to a php script. Please show me the rewrite rule, or the URL to the target php script, and where you plan to configure the rewrite rule.

Remember, rewrite at vhost level is different from rewrite rule at directory or .htaccess level, same is true for Apache, if you move rewrite rules from inside a <directory> directive from httpd.conf to vhost level in LSWS, you need add the rewrite base back to the rewrite rule. Or, define a LSWS context and use the same rewrite rule there.
Here is the .httaccess code
#php_flag session.use_trans_sid off
#php_flag short_open_tag on
#php_value display_errors 1

<IfModule mod_mime.c>
AddType application/x-httpd-php .ico

<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 3 day"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 3 day"
I didn't get the second part of your message. Can you tell me step-by-step instruction how can i fix this problem?


LiteSpeed Staff
The .htaccess file does not have any rewrite rule to rewrite '/category/...' to a php script.
Is this part of vBSEO? should it be handled by "vbseo.php"?
The last rewrite rule for vBSEO should do it.
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ vbseo.php?vbseourl=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
You need to turn on rewrite log under "Rewrite" tab, and check error.log to find out why the rewrite fails.

We have installation service available to help you sort out any problem quickly during your installation if you need. :)
The .htaccess file does not have any rewrite rule to rewrite '/category/...' to a php script.
Is this part of vBSEO? should it be handled by "vbseo.php"?
The last rewrite rule for vBSEO should do it.
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ vbseo.php?vbseourl=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
You need to turn on rewrite log under "Rewrite" tab, and check error.log to find out why the rewrite fails.

We have installation service available to help you sort out any problem quickly during your installation if you need. :)
No. I'm using Bitrix (
URL rewriting going through .php file which i posted above
Seems that lsws can't recognize this part


LiteSpeed Staff
If the 404 error page is generated in PHP, then it might be the problem you mentioned, if the 404 error page is LSWS' default error page, the php script has not been reached at all.

Turn on debug logging by set "Debug Level" to "HIGH" under "Server"->"log" tab, you should be able to get some clue in the error.log
Here we go:
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] New request:
Method=[GET], URI=[/category/shopping-fashion],
Content Length=0
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] Reached maximum requests on keep alive connection, keep-alive off.
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] Find context with URI: [/], location: [/srv/www/vhosts/]
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] File not found [/srv/www/vhosts/]
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] processContextPath() return 25
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] processNewReq() return 25.
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::sendHttpError(),code=404 Not Found
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::flush()!
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] Written to client: 600
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::nextRequest()!
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] Non-KeepAlive, CLOSING!
2007-04-06 22:13:13.171 DEBUG [] Shutting down out-bound socket ...
2007-04-06 22:13:13.185 DEBUG Failed to execute 'mpstat' command: No such file or directory
2007-04-06 22:13:13.240 DEBUG [] HttpIOLink::handleEvents() events=17!
2007-04-06 22:13:13.240 DEBUG [] Close socket ...
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] New connection from
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] 1 connections accepted!
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] HttpIOLink::handleEvents() events=1!
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::eek:nReadEx(), state: 0!
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] readToHeaderBuf().
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] Read from client: 623
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] read 623 bytes to header buffer
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] processHeader() return 0, header state: 3.
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] readToHeaderBuf() return 0.
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] New request:
Method=[GET], URI=[/category/shopping-fashion],
Content Length=0
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] Reached maximum requests on keep alive connection, keep-alive off.
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] Find context with URI: [/], location: [/srv/www/vhosts/]
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] File not found [/srv/www/vhosts/]
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] processContextPath() return 25
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] processNewReq() return 25.
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::sendHttpError(),code=404 Not Found
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::flush()!
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] Written to client: 600
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::nextRequest()!
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] Non-KeepAlive, CLOSING!
2007-04-06 22:13:14.305 DEBUG [] Shutting down out-bound socket ...
2007-04-06 22:13:14.368 DEBUG [] HttpIOLink::handleEvents() events=17!
2007-04-06 22:13:14.368 DEBUG [] Close socket ...
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] New connection from
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] 1 connections accepted!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] HttpIOLink::handleEvents() events=1!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::eek:nReadEx(), state: 0!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] readToHeaderBuf().
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] Read from client: 572
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] read 572 bytes to header buffer
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] processHeader() return 0, header state: 3.
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] readToHeaderBuf() return 0.
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] New request:
Method=[GET], URI=[/],
Content Length=0
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] Reached maximum requests on keep alive connection, keep-alive off.
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] Find context with URI: [/], location: [/srv/www/vhosts/]
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] Find handler [fastcgi] for [.php]
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] processContextPath() return 0
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] run fcgi processor.
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [localhost:8002] connection available!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [localhost:8002] request [] is assigned with connection!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.031 DEBUG [] [ExtConn] reconnect()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] [ExtConn] connecting to [localhost:8002]...
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] processNewReq() return 0.
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] ExtConn::eek:nWrite()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] connected to [localhost:8002] on local addres []!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::doWrite()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::beginRequest()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::pendingWrite(),m_iCurStreamHeader=16
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] request header is done
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::beginReqBody()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::pendingEndStream()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] ExtConn::continueRead()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] Request body done!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::endOfReqBody()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::pendingEndStream()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::flush()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.032 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::suspendWrite()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] ExtConn::eek:nRead()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] FcgiConnection::doRead()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] read 3360 bytes from Fast CGI.
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] FCGI Header: 010600010d070100
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] process STDOUT 3335 bytes
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] response header finished!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] FCGI Header: 0103000100080000
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] [EXT] EndResponse( endCode=0, protocolStatus=0 )
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] release ExtProcessor!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] Non-Persistent connection, close.
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] [ExtConn] close()
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [localhost:8002] add recycled connection to connection pool!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] call pConn->writeRespBody() to write 2928 bytes
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] Written to client: 3449
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] pConn->writeRespBody() return 2928
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] ReqBody: 0, RespBody: 2928, HEC_COMPLETE!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] m_pHandler->onWrite() return 0
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG [] HttpConnection::flush()!
2007-04-06 22:13:15.262 DEBUG


LiteSpeed Staff
It is obvious why you get 404
File not found [/srv/www/vhosts/]
You need to create a rewrite rule to redirect the request to the php script which supposes to handle all requests to URI "/category/...". That's the suggestion we can give based on the information we got.

I am surprised that you are still use fastCGI php instead of our LSAPI php.
Hm. I need to do this for each category and every article?

And about LSAPI. I tried to install it but have
ext/gd/gd.o(.text+0xc26f): In function `php_image_filter_mean_removal':
/php5.2-200704030830/ext/gd/gd.c:5014: undefined reference to `php_gd_gdImageMeanRemoval'
ext/gd/gd.o(.text+0xc31c): In function `php_image_filter_smooth':
/php5.2-200704030830/ext/gd/gd.c:5038: undefined reference to `php_gd_gdImageSmooth'
ext/gd/gd.o(.text+0xc536): In function `zif_imageconvolution':
/php5.2-200704030830/ext/gd/gd.c:5122: undefined reference to `php_gd_gdImageConvolution'
ext/gd/gd.o(.text+0xc6f2): In function `zif_imageantialias':
/php5.2-200704030830/ext/gd/gd.c:5148: undefined reference to `php_gd_gdImageAntialias'
ext/gd/gd.o(.text+0x58d): In function `php_free_gd_image':
/php5.2-200704030830/ext/gd/gd.c:1180: undefined reference to `php_gd_gdImageDestroy'
ext/gd/gd.o(.text+0xb437): In function `_php_image_bw_convert':
/php5.2-200704030830/ext/gd/gd.c:4658: undefined reference to `php_gd_gdImageWBMPCtx'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x1e1): In function `sapi_cgibin_ub_write':
/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:250: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x203):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:252: undefined reference to `fcgi_write'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x24d): In function `sapi_cgibin_flush':
/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:292: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x26d):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:294: undefined reference to `fcgi_flush'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x424): In function `sapi_cgi_read_post':
/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:362: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x444):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:364: undefined reference to `fcgi_read'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x493): In function `sapi_cgibin_getenv':
/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:387: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x4c1):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:389: undefined reference to `fcgi_getenv'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x4f6): In function `_sapi_cgibin_putenv':
/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:415: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x555):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:417: undefined reference to `fcgi_putenv'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x5d6): In function `cgi_php_import_environment_variables':
/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:489: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x823): In function `sapi_cgi_log_message':
/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:533: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x888):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:543: undefined reference to `fcgi_write'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x12f5): In function `main':
/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1118: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x1675):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1296: undefined reference to `fcgi_listen'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x1688):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1304: undefined reference to `fcgi_is_fastcgi'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x1710):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1322: undefined reference to `fcgi_init_request'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x1806):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1434: undefined reference to `fcgi_accept_request'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x1cdf):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1793: undefined reference to `fcgi_finish_request'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x1f4c):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1645: undefined reference to `fcgi_finish_request'
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x20b3):/php5.2-200704030830/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1355: undefined reference to `fcgi_in_shutdown'


LiteSpeed Staff
Hm. I need to do this for each category and every article?
If all categories are handled by one php script, you only need one rewrite rule.

For the PHP build problem, you may need to do
make clean

Again, if you think it is too much for you to handle it, we have one installation service for $149 . :)
If all categories are handled by one php script, you only need one rewrite rule.
Can you give me an example?

For the PHP build problem, you may need to do
make clean

Again, if you think it is too much for you to handle it, we have one installation service for $149 . :)[/QUOTE]
Thanks, i'll try again if it won't install i'll contact with you via support email.