Rack [ http://rack.rubyforge.org/ ] - provides an minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks. Almost all recently releazed ruby frameworks (Ramaze, Sinatra etc.) using it. Creating LSAPI adapter for it will enable all of them (and the new onces comming) to run on litespeed.
What need to be done:
1. Rack Litespeed handler - {rack_path}/lib/rack/handler/litespeed.rb - i tryed to patch the CGI handler with:
but for some reason it not worked.
2. {lsws}/fcgi-bin/RackRunner.rb , similar to the RailsRunner.rb one. It will call the Rack::Handler::Litespeed directly or via {project_home}/start.rb
3. EasyRackWithSuEXEC VH Template
What need to be done:
1. Rack Litespeed handler - {rack_path}/lib/rack/handler/litespeed.rb - i tryed to patch the CGI handler with:
def self.run(app, options=nil)
while LSAPI.accept != nil
serve app
2. {lsws}/fcgi-bin/RackRunner.rb , similar to the RailsRunner.rb one. It will call the Rack::Handler::Litespeed directly or via {project_home}/start.rb
3. EasyRackWithSuEXEC VH Template