Scheduled Purge Time combined with Default Public Cache TTL

I'm a basic user of Lite Sped Crawler.
As many people I prefer that Purge and the crawling to rebuilt cache can happen during the night.
In fact without cache my site is slow.
So I see that I can set Scheduled Purge Time to set that the purge happens in a certain time (lets say midnight).
But choosing it I get also that cache is purged very day at midnight. That is a short interval to me.
I aslo se ylat I can set Default Public Cache TTL to a week, tat can be fine.
Now is it possible to have (really great for me) that the purge happens after a week + in the night time (lets say 1 AM)?
So my site will stay ache-empty only in the night time, one day week..:cool:
Thanks a lot and regards.


Well-Known Member
As many people I prefer that Purge and the crawling to rebuilt cache can happen during the night.
Purging and crawling (cache warmup) depends on CMS, the number of to be crawled URLs, the crawler used and if availble on plugin purge settings, so it is not a must to do both actions only at night.

So I see that I can set Scheduled Purge Time to set that the purge happens in a certain time (lets say midnight).
Almost the same as already said before, but purging the cache if nothing has been changed it makes no sense to purge the cache and to re-cache it.

Now is it possible to have (really great for me) that the purge happens after a week + in the night time (lets say 1 AM)?
It seems you use cache plugin for WordPress. This plugin purges the cache depending on purge settings, but there is no time controlled setting or function that purges the cache at specific time.

The cache plugin for WordPress is good, but not perfect when it comes to economic purge and cache behaviour. This missing smart behaviour causes an indifferent cache warmup indepentently which cache of which URL was purged and all URLs from the sitemap has to be crawled. This is neither smart nor cares it about the current available load and available ressources.

The better solution is Kitt. Kitt is a 3rd party Cache Warmup Crawler especially developed for LiteSpeed and Wordpress. Kitt has a re-cache functions that triggers any changes to products and pages and warms up the cache of URLs that has been purged by the cache plugin almost in real time. That means, you no longer have to care which cache was purged. Kitt re-caches it just in time again. The smart cache warmup function then warms only the cache of URLs that really have to be crawled.

Kitt for WordPress without WooCommerce plugin:

Kitt for WordPress with WooCommerce Plugin:
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