Server stops working

I get this error, and the server stops working, and after some time it starts working again. But it is repeating now for a few days.

2022-02-14 08:36:24.692166 [ERROR] [640] HttpListener::start(): Can't listen at address adminListener: Address already in use!
2022-02-14 08:36:24.692197 [ERROR] [640] HttpServer::addListener(adminListener) failed to create new listener
2022-02-14 08:36:24.692205 [ERROR] [640] [config:admin:listener:adminListener] failed to start listener on address *:7080!
2022-02-14 08:36:24.692210 [ERROR] [640] [config:admin:listener] No listener is available for admin virtual host!
2022-02-14 08:36:24.692406 [ERROR] [640] Fatal error in configuration, exit!

I need help, I was searching for the fix but could not find it on the internet.