Setting up port 8080

I've spun up a Litespeed environment on Reclaim Cloud (which is a standard Litespeed Enterprise 6.1.2 install), and I'm trying to get a basic http listener up on port 8080 so I can add some basic html in there. If my site is, I also want to be able to serve a basic HTML page at I'm a bit out of my depth here, but have followed the configuration documentation as best I could.

I've set up Listeners, added Virtual Hosts, created a conf file next to the original conf file that the new virtual host points to, created a webroot8080 directory parallel to webroot, and created a ROOT8080 directory inside webroot8080 (with a HELLO WORLD index.html inside it), but I've clearly missed something important because when I try to visit I get an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. ( and -- the admin dashboard -- still work fine).

The screenshots below might help explain what I've done so far, but if you have thoughts as to what might be missing, I'd appreciate any guidance. Thanks so much!

Main console page:


Virtual Hosts:

The new Virtual Host's basic details
Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 12.02.54 PM.png

The vhconf8080.xml file pointed to above:

Welp, the good news is, this was all correct! The bad news is, I hadn't opened the port in my firewall, dur. Now it works. Thanks, Litespeed support!