After using commands like this
#: /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/
#: /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -f -v 6.0.11 -b 11 Version: v2.83-9/29/2020.
Usage: [-t] | [-c] | [[-d] [-r] | [-v|-e VERSION]]
Choose Debug version to upgrade or downgrade, will do clean like -c at the same time.
Choose Asan version to upgrade or downgrade, will do clean like -c at the same time.
Choose under development version instead of released version. <special option, be careful>
If VERSION is given, this command will try to install specified VERSION. Otherwise, it will get the latest version from /usr/local/lsws/autoupdate/release.
If VERSION is given, this command will try to install the binaries of the specified VERSION. Otherwise, it will get the latest version from /usr/local/lsws/autoupdate/release.
Recover to the original installed version which is in file VERSION.
Recover to the previous installed version which was renamed to .old files.
To test openlitespeed running status.
Toggle DEBUG log of running openlitespeed.
Do some clean and restart openlitespeed service.
Change the webAdmin password.
-h | --help
Display this help and exit.
Is it done?