[Solved] Increase max connections / Console ?

How do I increase max connections on litespeed? During my research I see mentions of a console. Is there a litespeed console of some sort to control settings?

I need to increase:
max connections
max user connections

Or is this done from apache httpd.conf?
Hmm I just can't get it to run as fast as Apache was.

I'm trying to access litespeed with about 1000 connections (The connections come from 2 IP's), each connection pulls data from a MySQL database. But there is amazing lag compared to my apache setup. Any hints on where to go?


Well-Known Member
How do you benchmark them? Can you post your result?

Assuming you pull data via php script. Then you need to adjust max connections of ext app http://www.litespeedtech.com/docs/webserver/config/extapps/#maxConns. If you are running non suEXEC mode, you want to double Max Connections (from 35) in Ext App (web admin console->Configuration->Server->Ext App->lsphp5->Max Connections) at a time to see the difference till your satisfaction. The environment variable PHP_LSAPI_CHILDREN should match with the Max Connections.
Unfortunately, I have no way to truly benchmark this. When the program is running the script hard, I manually check the script to pull test data so I can experience load times. The Apache was loading it within 1sec, while LiteSpeed was taking 10+ sec. That was until you told me about External Apps.

Configuring Max Connections PHP5 in external apps did the trick! Very very very fast now, LiteSpeed! Thank you so much.