[solved] Installing GoDaddy SSL Cert

I'm trying to install a GoDaddy SSL Certificate on an older version of Litespeed (Litespeed Web Server Standard v3.3.24) and am getting the following error on my SSL listener in my log:

2011-01-18 15:43:39.781 ERROR [SSL] Config SSL Context for listener *:443 with Certificate File: /u/apps/benefitresources.biz/ssl/benefitresources.biz.crt and Key File:/u/apps/benefitresources.biz/ssl/key/benefitresources.key get SSL error: error:0906406D:pEM routines:DEF_CALLBACK:problems getting password

2011-01-18 15:43:39.781 ERROR [config:server:listener:Benefit Resources SSL] failed to start SSL listener on address *:443!

I've added the key, the private key file (used to create the CSR), the Certificate File, and the CA Certificate paths to the SSL tab.

It looks like it's can't use the key with the password. Any ideas on how to fix this? Any help is GREATLY appreciated as I'm pretty much suck right now.

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This solved my issue.

LSWS does not work well with password protected SSL keys, please remove the key encryption with command.

openssl rsa -in forum.key -out forum_no_encrypt.key