We have a recurring problem where Apache keeps getting set to start on boot. This leads to a conflict between httpd and lsws whenever the server is rebooted.
We've used chkconfig to set httpd to "off", and even gone so far as to chmod /etc/init.d/httpd to 000.
I think the problem is that cPanel's scripts keep reviving Apache during their auto-upgrades.
I know this isn't specifically a LiteSpeed issue, but since everyone here has opted for LiteSpeed over Apache it's probably that someone has had to deal with this before, right?
We've used chkconfig to set httpd to "off", and even gone so far as to chmod /etc/init.d/httpd to 000.
I think the problem is that cPanel's scripts keep reviving Apache during their auto-upgrades.
I know this isn't specifically a LiteSpeed issue, but since everyone here has opted for LiteSpeed over Apache it's probably that someone has had to deal with this before, right?
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