Thanks, that's got me off on the right foot.
I've noticed that rebuilding PHP 5.2 after building 5.3 overwrites the
symbolic link, so I've had to force the External App's to look at the individual binaries for 5.3 and 5.2. Just thought someone might like to know.
With regards to the php CLI binary, on our servers we have a SL setup as below:
ln -sf /usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/bin/php /usr/bin/php
So that when our users ssh into the box they can use the CLI without needing to know it's path.
As such, I've noticed that php -v is still showing 5.3 after building 5.2, which is fine for us. However, I wondered if you could just clarify when the php cli binary in that path get's overwritten - I had assumed this would just happen as a matter of course when PHP is re-compiled?