a) in Opencart by default are THREE path to product page:
1. only product_id path: /index.php?route=product/product&product_id=41
2. by category_id (categoy path) /index.php?route=product/product&path=20_27&product_id=41
3. by manufacturer_id : /index.php?route=product/product&manufacturer_id=8&product_id=41
crawler algorithm contain 1 and 2, path 3 (by manufacturer_id) forgotten!
b) on huge number of products, for example, more than 6000, array urls() exceed php memory limit and crawler stop!
that's why I replace in
by this:
1. only product_id path: /index.php?route=product/product&product_id=41
2. by category_id (categoy path) /index.php?route=product/product&path=20_27&product_id=41
3. by manufacturer_id : /index.php?route=product/product&manufacturer_id=8&product_id=41
crawler algorithm contain 1 and 2, path 3 (by manufacturer_id) forgotten!
b) on huge number of products, for example, more than 6000, array urls() exceed php memory limit and crawler stop!
that's why I replace in
echo 'recache product urls...' . ($cli ? '' : '<br>') . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($this->model_catalog_product->getProducts() as $result) {
foreach ($this->model_catalog_product->getCategories($result['product_id']) as $category) {
if (isset($categoryPath[$category['category_id']])) {
$urls[] = $this->url->link('product/product', 'path=' . $categoryPath[$category['category_id']] . '&product_id=' . $result['product_id']);
$urls[] = $this->url->link('product/product', 'product_id=' . $result['product_id']);
$this->crawlUrls($urls, $cli);
by this:
echo 'recache product urls...' . ($cli ? '' : '<br>') . PHP_EOL;
$UrlsCount = 0;
$UrlsCountCount = 0;
foreach ($this->model_catalog_product->getProducts() as $result) {
foreach ($this->model_catalog_product->getCategories($result['product_id']) as $category) {
if(isset( $categoryPath[$category['category_id']] )){
$urls[] = $this->url->link('product/product', 'path=' . $categoryPath[$category['category_id']] . '&product_id=' . $result['product_id']);
$urls[] = $this->url->link('product/product', 'manufacturer_id=' . $result['manufacturer_id'] . '&product_id=' . $result['product_id']);
$urls[] = $this->url->link('product/product', 'product_id=' . $result['product_id']);
if ( $UrlsCount > 4096 ) {
echo 'recache '. $UrlsCountCount . ' part of product urls...' . ($cli ? '' : '<br>') . PHP_EOL;
$this->crawlUrls($urls, $cli);
$urls = array();
$UrlsCount = 0;
echo 'recache '. $UrlsCountCount . ' part of product urls...' . ($cli ? '' : '<br>') . PHP_EOL;
$this->crawlUrls($urls, $cli);
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