After upgrading to 3.3.16 build I'm still noticing a number of problems with awstats processing.
ERROR fork() failed
ERROR Unable to rename [/www/site1/logs/access_log.awstats], remove it.
ERROR Unable to rename [/www/site2/logs/access_log.awstats], remove it.
ERROR Unable to rename [/www/site3/logs/access_log.awstats], remove it.
I found it strange that the server wasn't able to rename the file since it has full group rights to the directory and files. The interesting thing is that the file "access_log.awstats" for each of the sites doesn't exist, so many the message is incorrect. Perhaps it couldn't rename it because it wasn't there to rename.
The fork messages concern me as well. I've increased the memory soft/hard limits and the process soft/hard limits (see below). My understanding of the process directive is to limit the number of process a user can launch. I guess I'm not sure what should be set at the server level for process awstats for my 300 sites.
Memory Soft Limit (bytes) 300M
Memory Hard Limit (bytes) 450M
Process Soft Limit: 800
Process Hard Limit: 850
The sites which are hosted are based on a template which uses the suexec method of delivery. Each site is set to use the DocRoot ID, however, the web server is part of each site group. Do I need to increase the process changes at the site level? or is it something at the server level?? ideas??