stderr.log errors after switch to litespeed

after switch to litespeed we get some diffrent errors on stderr.log file,

1 :

(12231) Child process with pid: 15237 was killed by signal: 15, core dumped: no

2 :

2020-05-30 11:32:27.712 [STDERR] lscgid: chdir():/opt/alt/python35/share/imunify360/scripts/: No such file or directory

3 :

PHP Warning: Module 'sqlite3' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

4 :

(23667) Reached max children process limit: 10, extra: 3, current: 13, busy: 13, please increase LSAPI_CHILDREN.

can you explain this erros and help me to fix them ?

Best Regards,


1. is normal message, not error. can ignore it
2. not sure what it is, may relate to cloudlinux's i360 php extension. you can disable i360 for a while, to see if the message will disappear.
3. create a phpinfo page, to trace where sqlite3 is loaded. it tried to load twice. won't cause any real problem but will fill stderr.log with this message
4. it's important message.
should closely monitor it until it disappear. how to:
1) increase lsws web admin->Server->General->PHP suEXEC Max Conn
restart lsws
2) pkill lsphp on command line as root
3) tail -f stderr.log to ensure it disapears