Strange Characters

I'm getting these strange characters:


Also Cache Storage Management the "Flush Litespeed Cache" button isn't showing up. I have Magento 1.9.2

In the administration area of Magento for the LiteSpeed LiteMage 1.0.8 module I have this:

Your installation of LiteSpeed Web Server does not have LiteMage Cache enabled.

My Headers have this:

X-LiteSpeed-Cache hit,litemage

When I go to Firefox and delete all cookies the page will show, when I click on a link it will show the next page but on the third time the whole page always displays these characters:


I also have this in htaccess:

<IfModule Litespeed>
LiteMage on

Any help will be appreciated.

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one possible reason is "double compression"

for a quick test, put a phpinfo.php under document root, search "zlib.output_compression", if it's on, set it to 0.
or disable lsws gzip compression:
lsws web admin -> Server -> Tuning -> Enable Compression: No

see if it helps.
Yes it was on, now it's off.

zlib.output_compression Off
zlib.output_compression_level -1

Still shows the strange characters.

I'm I suppose to install lsws? I think my host already has it.


I can turn compression off through htaccess, it doesn't affect others.

I tried turning it off but that either turns it off or X-LiteSpeed-Cache hit,litemage goes to X-LiteSpeed-Cache hit.

I wonder why it says in administration "Your installation of LiteSpeed Web Server does not have LiteMage Cache enabled." And why the flush button isn't appearing? You think they could be related?



LiteSpeed Staff
Please upgrade to 5.0.5 build 3 with command

/usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -f -v 5.0.5

You may need to clear LiteMage cache by removing the cache directory, restart LSWS.

If problem persists, contact us with temp root access, we can take a look.
In my phpinfo I have this:

LiteSpeed V6.8
ionCube PHP Loader v4.7.5
CEST 2014 x86_64

I'm on a shared host. Is installing LSWS something I can do or is it something my host has to do? I was reading and it seemed to say I could install it in my website root directory?



LiteSpeed Staff
You cannot do that, only your host can.
You can ask your host about adding LiteMage add-on to the LSWS server license if have not, it is FREE now.