Switch from default php to php7.4

I've walked through a guide for installing litespeed and creating a vhost. So I've now got a new working vhost.

phpinfo tells me that I'm using lsphp73.

Looking around in the lsws directory I can see a directory with what looks like a php7.4 installation:

I'd prefer to run a 7.4 rather than a 7.3 version of php.
How can I switch over?
Hi Eric.

If I look around in the lsws directory I can see what looks like a php7.4 installation - judging from the filenames.
So I assume that that means that it is installed.

I'm not sure what you mean by "installed and configured in the external app".


Staff member
I assume there's no other control panel on this server, then you will need to config EXternal App and Script Handler for the PHP version.
Please navigate to the web admin > External App, Edit it, and update the Command to the new PHP binary path.
I assume there's no other control panel on this server, then you will need to config EXternal App and Script Handler for the PHP version.
Please navigate to the web admin > External App, Edit it, and update the Command to the new PHP binary path.
Hey Eric. Yep, there's no other control panel on this server. It's a testbed that I've set up on a local machine in order to learn Litespeed.

I followed the directions, found the setting and restarted LiteSpeed.
phpinfo now reports that php7.4 is being used.

Thank you!