Updating cURL to latest version


Well-Known Member

Yoast SEO gave me a warning about cURL version being too old. So, I tried to update it to the latest version with those codes:

cd /usr/local/src/
curl http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.49.1.tar.gz | tar xvz
cd curl-7.49.1/
./configure && make && make install
curl -V
But I think I need to recompile PHP. How and where can I do that ? Can I do it just by clicking on Build Matching LSPHP ?



Staff member
Are you using cpanel ea3? You should rerun easy apache 3 to build php for apache , then build matching lsphp for litespeed.

No build matching lsphp any more for cpanel EA4.


Well-Known Member
We have switched to EA4 and runnig EA4 at the moment. But it is still showing old version of cURL.

I have also restarted LSWS but still the same.


right, after you update curl, you need to recompile php to update the php curl function with the new libs.

find your original php binary, check the configuration options, and use the same configuration options to recompile your own php to replace the one giving you warning.


Well-Known Member
right, after you update curl, you need to recompile php to update the php curl function with the new libs.

find your original php binary, check the configuration options, and use the same configuration options to recompile your own php to replace the one giving you warning.
I use EA4. How do I recompile it ?