what is "Eff Max" for external apps?


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

looking at my realtime report I recognized for one app, that the "Eff Max" is much lower than
the allowed connections and process there (13 vs. 25).
Its for an fcgi-connection to a remote machine.

Therefore I'm wondering, whats the Eff Max? Is that the highest number of connections ever reached for that?




LiteSpeed Staff
Eff Max is the maximum connections lsws thinks it can use. "Eff Max" equals configured "Max" at the beginning, sometimes, one fcgi process can stop stop responding for some reason, for example, a runaway process whenever that happened, lsws will reduce the "Eff Max", when "Eff Max" reaches certain level, lsws will try to restart the fcgi application. Basically, it is for handling fcgi application errors.


Well-Known Member
hmm, I guess this could happen also if I shut down the fcgi-app on the external server for maintenance where lsws will fall-back to the local one (using the load-balancing there ;)).
I'm gonna restart lsws to see what it does when no maintenance is done.