Why is stderror logged ?


Staff member
Not sure why your case happened, but generally STD errors will go to stderr.log. You may want to upgrade to the latest version and restart the server to see how it's going. Overall, It doesn't impact your server's performance.


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't log at all as the option to log these errors is disabled. I'm not worried so my by performance here, more that it makes the error logs much less readable.

I've noticed this problem for a long time (since the beginning) so unless litespeed have released a specific fix for this I prefer to stay with the latest stable version.


LiteSpeed Staff
4.2.4, 4.2.12 should be able to turn off stderr log with that option.
If you remove stderr.log will it be recreated?

The log messages you show is from main error_log, right?