Why you should use LiteSpeed and LScache to get good Google Page Experience


Well-Known Member
As announced from Google last year Google will include Page Experience signals into Google search ranking. A good time to think about what must be done not to be punished and not to loose good rankings if a page is too slow. It is also Google's plan to "pillory" pages that are too slow if they are permanent too slow. If so a hint will be displayed while loading a requested page from search result page. To me, this hint is like a message for the user:"Cancel the request. A very slow page will expect you."

LSWS and LScache can help to prevent this. The images below show what is possible with LSWS and LScache and are related to a website (no Wordpress) with 600,000 pages running on a VPS. This page also has a lot of ads and at least 10 images for each page. Indeed not really good conditions to get good Google Page Experience, especially for mobile devices, but we make possible what seemed to be impossible. All URLs have excellent good Google Core Vitals score up to score 100.


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