With litespeed $_ENV array is empty


Well-Known Member

One of our customers, running owncloud requested some help beacause own Cloud reports getenv('path') as empty.

I checked and $_ENV is an ampty array.

I know PHPFPM empties this variable by default and you have to set clear_env to no for it to not clear the $_ENV variables.

Does litespeed to the same ? If so is there a way to disbale clearing server environement variables ?



Well-Known Member

I'm not trying to add new variables but find out why existing ones with standard apache aren't available with litespeed.

On our Apache server PATH is set and $_ENV contains the same info as $_SERVER

Is it Litspeed that removes everything fomr $_ENV ?

For instane PATH is supposed to contain "/bin:/usr/bin"

If we enter it manually and it changes for some reason or another we would have to remeber to enter litespeed configuration to change it there too.



LiteSpeed Staff
Apache suPHP is running PHP as CGI, all request variables are passed as real environment variables, $_SERVER[] is based on that.
LiteSpeed is using our own API and protocol to pass request variables directly into $_SERVER[], $_ENV is the original environment when lsphp process starts, it does not change from request to request.
Fundamentally, they work in different way.