WordPress 403s


Well-Known Member

We're experiencing various 403s when doing various admin functions in WordPress (saving plugin settings, etc.).

They don't happen in Apache.

We're using the gotroot rules, and gotroot says that the 403s are probably being triggered by LiteSpeed's incomplete support for mod_security (or its "mod_security-like module").

These errors interfere with normal activities, but we don't want to turn off valid rules just because they don't work nicely with LiteSpeed.

What can we do?



Well-Known Member
We will compile this information.

Whatever the cause, it is very frustrating to have so many things which work in Apache but do not work in LiteSpeed.

We are also experiencing issues saving theme settings in WordPress. In Apache, settings are saved almost as soon as the "Save" button is clicked. In LiteSpeed, the save operation just times out.

Very frustrating that so many things seem broken.

Edit: We traced the saving issue to (again) some mod_security rules that work fine in Apache but not in LiteSpeed. Good to know the answer, but frustrating to pay for rules and then have them break things in LSWS.
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