The only thing you need to config for wordpress is an PHP external application and binding that application to a script suffix .php.
Since you have had a tough time trying to use an apache config? Just try the easy route of running wordpress via a native litespeed config.
View admin gui.
2) Your litespeed server should already have a php 4.4.4 external application and have it bound to .php. If not, copy the demo admin.
3) Create a LiteSpeed vhost and install wordpress there.
4) Check /logs/error.log and stderr.log for any php errors.
Check documentation for wordpress specific config files:
thanks for responding Xing, first I'll describe my setup, then I will address the numbered points you have mentioned.
This is mysetup:
ip1.187 ->
ip2.186 ->
I have the dns setup and resolving to the above domains (ips are on same physical box).
I did a clean install of litespeed 2.2
Followed the wiki document:
this works fine, I can get to my rails app on (on port 3000 btw)
Now, I'm trying to use the PHPsuExec to get my wordpress going.
my wordpress is supposed to run off of the ip1.187 ( I have the wordpress files in /var/www/ and this is where apache is reading them from.
I want to use the PHPsuExec to get my blog to run, is that the right way?
Now regarding your points here are my comments:
1. I don't know which gui you are talking about, the one you guys have posted twice now has NO php setup. When I login to that gui, this is what I see under the virtual hosts:
PHP/Perl/Java/Python Demo
Notice the first VHost says "PHP" ?? well, take a look at the general tab. There is NOTHING to follow there. There is only, perl/java/python ScriptHandler definitions. Can you please take a look and let me know what I'm missing there? I think I am, i just don't know what. should there not be a php handler there?
2. my ls2.2 install does have a LSAPI app external app setup. yes. what to do with it? how does this know where to go look for my blog? My guess is that it is done in the context tab? is this true?
3. why can't I just point the VHOST to the wordpress install I already got?
btw, if google can't find me stuff from the socalled wordpress codex, I don't know if I can do much better trudging through it.
WP doc recommends LITESPEED, but no one can tell me exactly how to do it.
apparently it is so obvious, that no-one has been bothered to actually document it. It is like the Fermat's last theorem. He thought it was so obvious, he couldn't justify wasting precious paper for it. The mathematicials
pissed around for 300 years to prove it.
but I digress.
also, please don't be offended, if this is how long it takes for cutomers to understand what you're talking about, there is a serious documentation problem.
I would urge you to try to do a wordpress install and pleast post _that_ config. The page you pointed me to has a demo install, but that is probably NOT the isntall that the wordpress demo blog is running under (for obvious reasons). (the wordpress blog demo is using php5 i think?)
maybe you can post that blog's config .xml file.. or just tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
something is not right here.. I shouldn't have to go through this much stuff to setup PHP.. there is something NOT RIGHT with the documentation.
now about the very first statement you made.
The only thing you need to config for wordpress is an PHP external application and binding that application to a script suffix .php.
so now, tell me this, I got a PHP_suEXEC, it has an lsapi php installed. I did the lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp -v and it tells me its version 4.4.4 (litespeed) and all that good stuff. How do i "bind" this "application" to a script suffix? and WHERE do I do that? i mean which tab??
I tried running it with the CGI context and it crapped out. do i create an fcgi context handler. I'm sure it is clear as day to you, but believe me, I'm very very frustrated with this and I'm usually pretty okay following docs.
if you have read through this rant, let me know where I'm going off the tracks here..
when I get this SOB working, I'll sure submit a howto. NOTHING should be this convoluted and counter-intuitive. I don't care how cool and fast the guts are.
thanks so much,