To find the reason for this issue, do the following steps:
1.) Logoff from forum
2.) Remove all cookies from your browser and don't request your forum again until all steps are done.
3.) Add the following Rewrite Rule to you .htaccess where all other Litespeed Cache Rules are defined. You can remove this rule after test. This rule prevent file purge.php from beeing cached.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(purge).php$
RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:no-cache]
3.)Create a php file with name purge.php without any content.
4.) Paste the following header into this file:
header("X-LiteSpeed-Purge: *");
5.) Upload this file to the root directory where your forum is installed.
6.) Run this file in your browser:
7.) Open Dev tools in browser (F12) and open network TAB.
8.) Browse a couple of pages of your forum and check cache header of each requested page. Every page should have "miss" header.
9.) Check the cookies in dev tools. If there are cookies with xf_ prefix, post them (name of cookies) here
10.) Browse the same pages again and check cache header of each page. They all should have "hit" header.
11.) Login to your forum as user, not admin.
12.) Browse the same pages as before and check cache header. There should be no cache header. If there is a cache header, post it.
13.) Logged in as user check, if there a cookies with prefix xf_ post them here.
14.) Logoff and login as admin
15.) start with step 11.) and do the same steps as admin
16.) Logoff and check cookies again.
17.) Finished
If finished post your result with cookies. It is important to know which cookie is set at each user status.