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litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:administration [2015/10/30 17:53]
Michael Alegre
litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:administration [2016/05/06 15:51] (current)
Rob Holda
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 ===== LiteMage Cache Cleanup ===== ===== LiteMage Cache Cleanup =====
-Like most caches, LiteMage Cache needs to be periodically cleaned to prevent the cache storage from growing ​to large. To this end we have included ​the **cleanlitemage.sh** script in the ''​admin/​misc''​ directory of your LSWS installation directory.+Like most caches, LiteMage Cache needs to be periodically cleaned to prevent the cache storage from growing ​too large. Deleting these files by flushing the cache through Magento could slow down your site and it would instead be preferable to do this cleaning in a separate process. To this end LiteMage will only mark files as "​expired"​ when the cache is flushed instead of deleting them outright. To do the actual cleaning, ​we have included ​**cleanlitemage.sh** script in the ''​admin/​misc''​ directory of your LSWS installation directory.
 This script takes from one to three plus input parameters, which are as follows: This script takes from one to three plus input parameters, which are as follows:
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2015/10/30 17:53
  • by Michael Alegre