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litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:cat [2016/05/06 12:59]
Michael Alegre created
litespeed_wiki:cache:litemage:cat [2016/05/06 13:00] (current)
Michael Alegre [Customization]
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 ===== Customization ===== ===== Customization =====
-  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​configuration-file|Configuration File Customization]] - Customizing LiteMage'​s configuration file. +  ​* **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​configuration-file|Configuration File Customization]]** - Customizing LiteMage'​s configuration file. 
-  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​seperate-mobile-versions|Websites With Separate Mobile Versions]] - Handling websites with separate mobile versions. +  ​* **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​seperate-mobile-versions|Websites With Separate Mobile Versions]]** - Handling websites with separate mobile versions. 
-  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​views-based-on-cookie-values|Setting Views Based On Cookie Values]] - Setting different views for the same URL based on customized cookie values. +  ​* **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​views-based-on-cookie-values|Setting Views Based On Cookie Values]]** - Setting different views for the same URL based on customized cookie values. 
-  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​private-info-in-public-block|Private Info In A Public Block]] - Handling private information inside of a public block. +  ​* **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​private-info-in-public-block|Private Info In A Public Block]]** - Handling private information inside of a public block. 
-  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​non-standard-message-blocks|Non-Standard Message Blocks]] - Using customized message blocks not derived from "​Mage_Core_Block_Messages"​. +  ​* **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​non-standard-message-blocks|Non-Standard Message Blocks]]** - Using customized message blocks not derived from "​Mage_Core_Block_Messages"​. 
-  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​separate-front-page-footer|Using A Separate Footer On Your Front Page]] - Handling a dynamically determined separate footer for the home page. +  ​* **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​separate-front-page-footer|Using A Separate Footer On Your Front Page]]** - Handling a dynamically determined separate footer for the home page. 
-  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​geoip-support|GEOIP Support]] - How to enable GEOIP support. +  ​* **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​common:​geoip-support|GEOIP Support]]** - How to enable GEOIP support. 
-  * [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​keeping-public-cache-warm-indefinitely|Keeping Public Cache Warm Indefinitely]] - Customizing LiteMage'​s crawler so your content is updated but users never hit the backend.+  ​* **[[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​litemage:​customization:​keeping-public-cache-warm-indefinitely|Keeping Public Cache Warm Indefinitely]]** - Customizing LiteMage'​s crawler so your content is updated but users never hit the backend.
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2016/05/06 12:59
  • by Michael Alegre