2017-02-21T14:55:31+00:00 DEBUG (7): LiteMage [xx.xx.xx.xx:26072:29461700] ****** PRECHECK route_action [brand_brand_index] /brand/ NO_CACHE=route not cacheable 2017-02-21T15:30:21+00:00 DEBUG (7): LiteMage [xx.xx.xx.xx:37765:19171300] ****** ****** PRECHECK route_action [brand_brand_view] /brand/sorciere.html NO_CACHE=route not cacheable
brand_brand_view, brand_brand_index
.Issues can still arise after completing the above steps if the URL is not a standard category or product page as the cached URLs will not be tagged properly. For example, if a product within the brand page is updated, the standard Magento categories and product pages will be auto-purged, but the brand page will not. To resolve this issue, define a custom warm up URL list that will crawl these pages in more frequent intervals, such as every 30 minutes.