getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('header_sticky_block')->toHtml(); ?>
helper('customer')->isLoggedIn()): ?>
- Logout
- My Account
- Login
- Sign up
- Checkout
Quick Shop
getSummaryQty()?Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getSummaryQty():'0'; ?>
__(' %s items ', $this->getUrl('checkout/cart'),$_cartQty) ?>
Create a new template ''toprow.phtml'' in
with the following content:
helper('customer')->isLoggedIn()) {
echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('header_sticky_block')->toHtml();
} ?>
helper('customer')->isLoggedIn()): ?>
- Logout
- My Account
- Login
- Sign up
- Checkout
Quick Shop
getSummaryQty()?Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getSummaryQty():'0'; ?>
__(' %s items ', $this->getUrl('checkout/cart'),$_cartQty) ?>
Now update the releated part of header.phtml:
In the layout file, add the new block inside the header section:
**[/home/user1/public_html/app/design/frontend/default/theme_revamp/layout]#** ''vi page.xml''
Finally, in the LiteMage configuration, change the following:
* Add ''toprow'' in **Customized Block Names for “toplinks” Tag**
* Flush **Product and Categories When Product Qty Changes** = ''Flush product and categories only when stock status change''
* **Separate cache copy per customer group** = ''Yes''
* **Track recently Viewed** = ''No''
Flush both LiteMage and Magento caches.
==== Cause #2 ====
In this case, the user encounters similar problem. The store is using rwd theme, but overrides default ajaxcart by plumrocket. After further investigation, PlumRocket Ajax cart seems incompatible with LiteMage. Disable it and the problem goes away.
==== Solution #2 ====
If you use PlumRocket - Ajax Cart or similar extension, Go to Magento admin panel. **Configuration - PlumRocket - Ajax Cart -> Enable Extension** = ''No''.
It is suggested that you use rwd default ajax cart when using LiteMage.