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litespeed_wiki:cache:lscache:ip-board [2017/01/03 21:35]
Michael Alegre removed
litespeed_wiki:cache:lscache:ip-board [2017/01/03 21:36] (current)
Michael Alegre Added Redirect.
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== LSCache + IP Board ====== +~~REDIRECT>litespeed_wiki:cache:no-plugin-ip-board~~
-In order for LSCache and IP Board to work together, IP Board needs to be modified to send out  +
-a ‘Cache-Control:​ Private’ response header to logged-in users. LSWS will take care of the rest.  +
- +
-===== Procedures ===== +
-Here are the steps that will enable LSWS to work with IP Board: +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-==== Modify IP Board code ==== +
-  +
-File admin/​sources/​classes/​output/​formats/​html/​htmlOutput.php needs to be modified to  +
-send out a ‘**cache-control:​ private**’ response header to logged-in users. Essentially,​ the  +
-response header is a flag that notifies LSWS what kind of cache to serve, which is the only  +
-information LSWS needs to know in order to work with IP Board.  +
- +
-Below changes are for IPB v3.1.4 as an example: +
-<code> +
-# diff -Naur a/​htmlOutput.php b/​htmlOutput.php +
-—-- a/​htmlOutput.php ​   2011-03-16 15:39:​09.000000000 -0400 +
-+++ b/​htmlOutput.php ​   2011-06-27 00:​39:​38.000000000 -0400 +
-@@ -73,6 +73,17 @@ +
-        public function printHeader() +
-        { +
-                //​—————————————– +
-+               // Add "cache-controlprivate"​ header +
-+               // ​     for logged in users +
-+               // this is for LiteSpeed cache requirement +
-+               //​—————————————– +
-+               if ( $this->​memberData['​member_id'​] ) +
-+               { +
-+                       ​header( "cache-control: private"​ ); +
-+               } +
-+               //​—————————————– +
-                // Start GZIP compression +
-         //​—————————————– +
-        +
-@@ -1062,4 +1073,4 @@ +
-  +
-                return $texts[ array_rand($texts) ]; +
-        } +
- +
-</​code>​ +
- +
-**Note:** To verify, check the response header when you log in.  Server response header +
-"​Cache-Control:​ private"​ should be seen: +
-<​code>​ +
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK +
-Content-Encoding:​ gzip +
-Vary: Accept-Encoding +
-Transfer-Encoding:​ chunked +
-Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 16:59:30 GMT +
-Server: LiteSpeed +
-Connection: close +
-... +
-Cache-Control:​ private ​ <==== this is the header +
-... +
-</​code>​ +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-==== Set up Cache Policy ==== +
- +
-In LiteSpeed (v4.1.2 or later) Admin CP -> Configuration -> Server -> Cache +
-<​code>​ +
-Storage Path: /​dev/​shm/​diskcache +
-Max Object Size: 1024000 +
- +
-Cache Policy +
-Enable Cache: ​   No +
-Cache Expire Time (seconds): ​   Not Set +
-Cache Request with Query String: ​   No +
-Cache Request with Cookie: ​   Yes +
-Cache Response with Cookie: ​   Yes +
-Ignore Request Cache-Control: ​   Yes +
-Ignore Response Cache-Control: ​   No +
-Enable Private Cache: ​   Yes +
-Private Cache Expire Time (seconds): ​   60 +
-</​code>​ +
-Do-Not-Cache URL(s): +
-<​code>​ +
-/​index.php?​app=forums&​module=post&​section=post&​do=edit_post +
-/​index.php?​app=forums&​module=post&​section=post&​do=reply_post +
-/​index.php?​app=forums&​module=moderate&​section=moderate&​do=postchoice +
-</​code>​ +
-**Note:** Do-Not-Cache URL box holds all of the URL(s) that should **NOT** be cached. +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-==== Create Rewrite Rules for guest/​public caching ==== +
- +
-Input the following rules into .htaccess in front of existing Rewrite rules. +
- +
-<​code>​ +
-RewriteEngine On +
-###########################################​ +
-# For LiteSpeed public cache (guest user) +
-###########################################​ +
-RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !member_id= [OR] +
-RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} member_id=0 +
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/admin +
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(css|js|png|gif)$ +
-RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ​ ^$ +
-RewriteRule .* – [E=Cache-Control:​max-age=360] +
-</​code>​ +
- +
-**Note:**  +
-   - Above rules are for guest user (the cookie does not contain ‘member_id’ at all or contains ‘member_id=0’).  +
-   - Do NOT cache for admin user. +
-   - Do NOT cache static objects. +
-   - Do NOT cache URL with Query String to stay on the safe side. +
-   - Cache for 6 minutes. +
-   - For public cache, "​X-LiteSpeed-Cache:​ hit" response header should be seen. +
-   - For private cache, "​X-LiteSpeed-Cache:​ private,​hit"​ response header should be seen. +
- +
-==== Create cronjob code to clean up stale cache ==== +
- +
-<​code>​ +
-0 */2 * * * find /​dev/​shm/​diskcache -type f -mmin 120 –delete +
-</​code>​ +
- +
- +
-==== Add entries to /​etc/​rc.local ==== +
-  +
- +
-     echo "mkdir /​dev/​shm/​diskcache && chmod nobody.lsadm"​ >> /​etc/​rc.local +
-     echo "/​dev/​shm/​diskcache && chmod 770 /​dev/​shm/​diskcache"​ >> /​etc/​rc.local +
-     +
-**Note:** this is to make sure cache directory gets created when server is booted up.+
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2017/01/03 21:35
  • by Michael Alegre