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litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:configuration:cache:object_cache [2018/02/02 14:34]
Tihomir addes test files
litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:configuration:cache:object_cache [2020/05/04 13:55] (current)
Shivam Saluja
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 ====== Memcached, LSMCD and Redis (Object Cache) Support in LSCWP ====== ====== Memcached, LSMCD and Redis (Object Cache) Support in LSCWP ======
 +**Please Note**: This wiki is valid for v2.9.x and below of the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for WordPress. If you are using v3.0 or above, please see [[https://​docs.litespeedtech.com/​lscache/​lscwp/​overview/​|the new documentation]].
 As of version 1.8, LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress supports Object Cache. As of version 1.8, LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress supports Object Cache.
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 ==== Config Object Cache in LSCWP ==== ==== Config Object Cache in LSCWP ====
-If you are using LSMCD, Memcached or Redis, you can set up LSCWP support in the Cache Settings tab. Navigate to **LiteSpeed Cache > Settings > Cache** and scroll down to **Object Cache**. You will need to give LSCWP some parameters, including where your Memcached or LSMCD lives, which objects you'd like to have cached, and how long you want objects to remain in cache, among other things.+If you are using LSMCD, Memcached or Redis, you can set up LSCWP support in the Cache Settings tab. Navigate to **LiteSpeed Cache > Settings > Advanced** and scroll down to **Object Cache**. You will need to give LSCWP some parameters, including where your Memcached or LSMCD lives, which objects you'd like to have cached, and how long you want objects to remain in cache, among other things.
 Before enabling Object Cache, the default values with already be filled in for you, like so:  Before enabling Object Cache, the default values with already be filled in for you, like so: 
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 {{:​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​configuration:​cache:​enabledobject.png?​600|}} {{:​litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​configuration:​cache:​enabledobject.png?​600|}}
-Detailed instructions for all of these settings can be found [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​configuration:​cache#​object_cache|here]].+Detailed instructions for all of these settings can be found [[litespeed_wiki:​cache:​lscwp:​configuration:​advanced#​object_cache|here]].
 ===== How to Verify===== ===== How to Verify=====
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 if ( $cfg_db ) $conn->​select( $cfg_db ) ; if ( $cfg_db ) $conn->​select( $cfg_db ) ;
-var_dump( $this->​_conn->ping() ) ; // Should give a `+PONG`+var_dump( $conn->ping() ) ; // Should give a `+PONG`
 ?> ?>
 </​code>​ </​code>​
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2018/02/02 14:34
  • by Tihomir