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litespeed_wiki:changelog [2024/02/27 22:44]
Michael Alegre Added entry for LSWS v6.2.1 build 0.
litespeed_wiki:changelog [2025/03/12 15:55] (current)
Michael Alegre Added release log info for LSWS v6.3.2 build 3.
Line 2: Line 2:
 **Note:** If a build is missing, you're always able to find it here as well: https://​groups.google.com/​g/​litespeed-edge-users **Note:** If a build is missing, you're always able to find it here as well: https://​groups.google.com/​g/​litespeed-edge-users
 +===== Version 6.3.2 =====
 +=== Build 3 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a ProxyPass compatibility issue for rewritten URL.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a random crash during server shutdown.
 +=== Build 2 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Add support for SSILegacyExprParser directive to address SSI backward compatibility issues. ​
 +=== Build 1 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address random crashing caused by a request parser corner case.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address Apache Server Side Includes compatibility issues.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address broken vhost level ACL using environment variables.
 +  [Bug Fix] Improve LiteSpeed Containers support.
 +=== Build 0 ===
 +  [Security] Update lsquic to address hash flood vulnerability and other bug fixes.
 +  [New Feature] Improve HTTP/2 implementation to block aggressive robots when under attack.
 +  [New Feature] Improve LiteSpeed Containers and Redis support for control panels.
 +  [New Feature] Add environment variable "​noantiddos"​ to selectively disable anti-DDoS detection via rewrite rule or setenvif.
 +  [Improvement] Add support for access log format "​%{c}a"​ to log connection peer address.
 +  [Improvement] Allow TX variable for modsecurity @inspectFile operator.
 +  [Bug Fix] Correct outdated CloudFlare IP range whitelist.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a regression in IPv6 ACL handling.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address an MT race condition in mod_security engine.
 +  [Bug Fix] Increase verification strictness for SSL client authentication.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address issues when mod_security response body scan is enabled.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address failure to enable PROXY protocol.
 +  [Bug Fix] Make NodeJS configuration more closely match Apache'​s behavior.
 +  [Bug Fix] Make cPanel live site transfer work properly when WP toolkit is enabled.
 +  [Bug Fix] Detect file suffixes longer than 15 characters.
 +  [Misc] Adjust PHP processor auto tuning for Apache suEXEC PHP handlers.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address two lsquic busy loop corner cases.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a problem with long unix domain sockets for ruby/​python/​node applications.
 +===== Version 6.3.1 =====
 +=== Build 9 ===
 +  [New Feature] Improve HTTP/2 implementation to block aggressive robots when under attack.
 +  [New Feature] lspkgctl now supports packages for CloudLinux.
 +  [Improvement] Add support for access log format "​%{c}a"​ to log connection peer address.
 +  [Bug Fix] Correct outdated CloudFlare IP range whitelist.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a regression in IPv6 ACL handling.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address an MT race condition in mod_security engine.
 +  [Bug Fix] Increase verification strictness for SSL client authentication.
 +  [Bug Fix] Improve HTTP/3 with the latest lsquic fixes.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a few corner cases that caused random crashes.
 +=== Build 8 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address potential double compression when mod_security response body scan is enabled.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address broken ESI page cache wnen mod_security response body scan is enabled.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address failure to enable PROXY protocol.
 +  [Bug Fix] Update isa-l library to address a random crash.
 +=== Build 7 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Update lsquic to 4.1.0 to address infinite loop.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a corner case in parsing a cached page.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address issues with updated litespeed container control script.
 +=== Build 6 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Make NodeJS configuration closely match Apache'​s behavior.
 +  [Bug Fix] Make cPanel live site transfer work properly when WP toolkit is enabled.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address hanging due to mod_security response body scanning on large response bodies.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address issues with updated LiteSpeed container control script.
 +=== Build 5 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address large response body corruption caused by mod_security response body scanning.
 +  [Bug Fix] Stop mod_security helper threads before server shutdown.
 +  [Bug Fix] Reduce lock contention of mod_security SHM store.
 +=== Build 4 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a mod_security scanning response body issue.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address an IPv6 -ipmatch false positive issue.
 +=== Build 3 ===
 +  [New Feature] Add environment variable "​noantiddos"​ to selectively disable anti-ddos detection via rewrite rule or setenvif. ​
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a corner case that can cause random crashes.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a mod_security issue where lowercase transform failed to apply to TX variables.
 +  [Bug Fix] Detect file suffixes longer than 15 characters.
 +  [Misc] Adjust PHP processor auto tuning for Apache suEXEC PHP handlers.
 +=== Build 2 ===
 +  [Improvement] Allow TX variable for modsecurity @inspectFile operator.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address two lsquic busy loop corner cases.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a problem with `expr -ipmatch` operator.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a problem with long unix domain sockets for ruby/​python/​node applications.
 +=== Build 1 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Update lsquic to v4.0.11 to address some corner cases.
 +  [Bug Fix] Fix outdated version number.
 +=== Build 0 ===
 +  [Security] Block the "​litespeed_role"​ cookie to shield LSCWP from potential brute force attempts.
 +  [New Feature] Add "​no-lscache"​ environment variable to allow the lscache engine to be disabled at the request level.
 +  [New Feature] Load trusted IPs/subnets from standalone list "​$SERVER_ROOT/​conf/​trusted-ip-list"​.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address compatibility issues with Ruby 3.3 applications.
 +  [Bug Fix] Make RackRunner.rb compatible with Rails 7.2.
 +  [Bug Fix] Minor bug fixes.
 +===== Version 6.3 =====
 +=== Build 3 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Make RackRunner.rb compatible with Rails v7.2.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address hanging ESI processing for page sizes > 1MB.
 +=== Build 2 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a v6.3 build 1 regression that caused random crashes.
 +=== Build 1 ===
 +  [New Feature] Add "​no-lscache"​ environment variable used to disable the lscache engine at the request level.
 +  [New Feature] Load trusted IP/subnet from standalone list '​$SERVER_ROOT/​conf/​trusted-ip-list'​.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a compatibility issue with Ruby 3.3 applications.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address bad auto index script path under chroot environments.
 +=== Build 0 ===
 +  [New Feature] CGI/​External app resource limits via cgroups.
 +  [New Feature] CGI/​External app file system restrictions via namespace containers.
 +  [New Feature] Advanced anti-DDoS features to protect against request flooding. ​
 +  [New Feature] Firewall controller to block detected robots at the firewall level.
 +  [New Feature] Easy front end CDN (QUIC.cloud or Cloudflare) detection. ​
 +  [Improvement] Avoid HTTP/2 stream I/O buffer bloating. ​
 +  [Improvement] HTTP2/HTTP3 priority (RFC 9218) integration.
 +  [Improvement] Drain request body to avoid browser errors in special cases. ​
 +  [Improvement] Stop _recaptcha process after idling for 5 minutes.
 +  [Bug Fix] Automatically fix apache2.service override for Plesk.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a ProxyPass corner case that resulted in redirection looping.
 +  [Bug Fix] Avoid caching partial responses due to interrupted proxy connections.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address rewrite rule compatibility issues with Plesk WP toolkit hotlink protection.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a corner case in multi-part POST parser.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a corner case in access logging.
 +===== Version 6.2.2 =====
 +=== Build 4 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a compatibility issue with Ruby 3.3 applications.
 +=== Build 3 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a corner case in multi-part POST parser.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a corner case in access logging.
 +=== Build 2 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Automatically fix apache2.service override for Plesk.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address rewrite rule compatibility issues with Plesk WP toolkit hotlink protection.
 +=== Build 1 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address compatibility issues with older versions of nodejs.
 +  [Bug Fix] Apply server level log rotation setting to modsec audit log.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a few corner cases in HTTP/3 (lsquic).
 +=== Build 0 ===
 +  [New Feature] Add chunked encoding support for proxying request body to backend.
 +  [New Feature] Add cache vary on request header value, automatically vary on header '​X-Http-Method-Override'​.
 +  [New Feature] Add detection for flag file '​admin/​tmp/​.stay_with_lsws'​ used to prevent automatically switching back to Apache when encountering a licensing issue. ​
 +  [Improvement] Apply server level log rotation setting to Modsec audit log.
 +  [Improvement] Do not force URL trailing slash for requests to Node.js applications.
 +  [Improvement] Make Node.js startup script compatible with older Node.js versions. ​
 +  [Bug Fix] Address failure to switch back to Apache issue, "​on-failure"​ restart for Systemd service is now disabled. ​
 ===== Version 6.2.1 ===== ===== Version 6.2.1 =====
 +=== Build 2 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Address compatibility issues with older versions of nodejs.
 +  [Bug Fix] Apply server level log rotation setting to modsec audit log.
 +  [Bug Fix] Address a few corner cases in HTTP/3 (lsquic). ​
 +=== Build 1 ===
 +  [Bug Fix] Addressed an HTTP/3 0-RTT packet validation issue.
 === Build 0 === === Build 0 ===
   [New Feature] Add hCaptcha support for reCAPTCHA validation.   [New Feature] Add hCaptcha support for reCAPTCHA validation.
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2024/02/27 22:44
  • by Michael Alegre