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Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) is one of the largest growing on-demand scalable cloud platforms. AWS makes it easy to launch virtual Linux environments in seconds with pre-installed packages for the perfect get up and go solutions.

AMI Launch

As of the release of LiteSpeed Web Server (“LSWS”) 5.1.13, there is a custom Amazon Machine Image (“AMI”) based off of CentOS 7 with LiteSpeed Web Server built-in. Each AMI install comes with a free 15-day trial.

AWS LiteSpeed Web Server


The following steps detail how to load the LSWS AMI on one’s own EC2 environment.

  1. Click “Continue” on the right hand side
  2. Log in
  3. Select either 1-Click Launch or Manual Launch
    • 1-Click Launch will automate the entire setup process of the EC2 environment without having to launch the EC2 console.
    • Manual Launch will provide more options to choose from. All of the options available, except for Security Groups, are not related to LSWS; they are just personal preferences.
    • The Security Groups option should be left as default for both 1-Click Launch and Manual Launch.
  4. After the EC2 environment is fully launched, the EC2 environment is accessible from any browser as well as ssh.
    • Website - http://<EC2-IP>/
    • SSH - ssh -i /path/to/EC2-Key centos@<EC2-IP>
      • Note: The user to login to the EC2 environment is centos and be sure to specify the path to the ssh key for the EC2 environment, as AWS does not permit password login by default.
    • Web GUI - http://<EC2-IP>:7080
      • To access the Web GUI please login to the EC2 environment and run the following commands:
        • sudo su
  5. That’s it! The EC2 environment that was just setup now is running LSWS with little work needed.

Manual Install

Because AWS just provides a virtual environment of Linux, one can follow our standard installation guides to install LSWS on any AWS AMI.

Installation Guide for LSWSHow to install LiteSpeed Web Server