Table of Contents

How to use integrated AWstats log analyzer

AWStats can be used as an add-on module of LiteSpeed web server. It has been seamlessly integrated into our web administration Interface, and the configuration and statistical updates has been automated as well.


To install AWStats as an add-on module, please run script:


This script will try to download the latest AWStats package from, expand it under lsws/add-ons/ directory and create a symbolic link from “./awstats-x.x” to “awstats”. If it fails to download for any reason, you can manually do this step as well.

Next step is to enable AWStats add-on module for the virtual host that you would have AWStats analyze its access log. From the Web Admin Interface, just select the virtual host on left, click “Add-on” tab on the right, then fill in configurations in “AWStats Integration” table. Configurations are

After applying the configuration changes, you can access the statistical results produced by AWStats by accessing the “AWStats URI” you specified.

ATTENTION: The virtual host has to be configured with its own access log file in order to use AWStats integration.

Customize AWStats configuration file

AWStats configuration file is generated automatically based on a model configuration file /conf/awstats.model.conf, which is copied from lsws/add-ons/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf. The following configuration parameters are populated by LiteSpeed:

Other parameters can be customized by changing awstats.model.conf.

NOTE: Never edit the destination configuration file as it is always overwritten by LiteSpeed before invoking AWStats updates.