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litespeed_wiki:config:header-edit [2020/09/01 17:56]
Lisa Clarke Copyediting
litespeed_wiki:config:header-edit [2020/09/03 15:37] (current)
Jackson Zhang
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 ====== LiteSpeed Alternative to Apache Header Edit ====== ====== LiteSpeed Alternative to Apache Header Edit ======
-LiteSpeed doesn'​t support Apache'​s header ​"edit" ​directive, and so the following Apache directive won't work on LiteSpeed:+LiteSpeed doesn'​t support Apache'​s header ​''​edit'' ​directive, and so the following Apache directive won't work on LiteSpeed:
   Header always edit Set-Cookie (.*) "​$1;​HTTPOnly;​Secure"​   Header always edit Set-Cookie (.*) "​$1;​HTTPOnly;​Secure"​
 +===== ''​secure''​ =====
 This particular case, which involves patching Set-Cookie with a ''​secure''​ flag when served over HTTPS, is automatically handled by LiteSpeed Web Server as of v5.4.5, and so it is unnecessary to use a directive for that. This particular case, which involves patching Set-Cookie with a ''​secure''​ flag when served over HTTPS, is automatically handled by LiteSpeed Web Server as of v5.4.5, and so it is unnecessary to use a directive for that.
-For other cookie ​settings, you should be able to use ''​php.ini''​. For example:+===== ''​HTTPOnly''​ ===== 
 +For ''​HTTPOnly'' ​settings, you should be able to use ''​php.ini''​. For example:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
   session.cookie_httponly=On   session.cookie_httponly=On
  </​code>​  </​code>​
 +===== ''​SameSite''​=====
 +For ''​SameSite=none''​ attribute, there is no alternative way to do it on LiteSpeed at the time of this writing. It is better to be handled on the application level when the developer designs the site. 
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/09/01 17:56
  • by Lisa Clarke