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litespeed_wiki:config:xmlrpc.php_bot_attack_block [2018/10/05 18:52]
Lisa Clarke Proofreading
litespeed_wiki:config:xmlrpc.php_bot_attack_block [2024/07/10 19:21] (current)
Lisa Clarke Redirect to new Documentation Site
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-====== How to Block a Bot Attack ====== +~~REDIRECT>​https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lsws/security/#block-a-bot-attack~~
-Your server may experience heavy hits from bots. Here are three different examples of bot attacks and how to block them. +
- +
-===== Example 1: "​BUbiNG"​ bot ===== +
- +
-"​BUbiNG"​ bot [[http://law.di.unimi.it/​BUbiNG.html#​wc|BUbiNG]] can cause a massive load spike in the server. To prevent further problems, we can deny that user agent globally. +
- +
-An easy solution is to use a rewrite rule to detect the user agent, and then set environment with the action ''​[E=blockbot]''​. ​ This will drop the direct connection from that client IP. +
- +
-Add the following to the ''​.htaccess''​ of your ''​example.com''​ domain: +
- +
-  RewriteEngine On +
-  RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "​BUbiNG"​ +
-  RewriteRule .* - [E=blockbot:​1] +
- +
-To verify, you can run: +
-  curl -A "​BUbiNG"​ example.com +
- +
-If your rules need further debugging, you can enable the rewrite log for more details. +
- +
-===== Example 2: "​xmlrpc.php"​ Bot ===== +
-On a server, after configuring cPanel Piped Logging to push entries to ''​/usr/local/apache/​logs/​error_log'',​ you can see many ''​404 File not found [/​var/​www/​html/​xmlrpc.php]''​ entries coming through. 404 will not trigger the LSWS WordPress protection feature, because the requests look like they'​re being processed by the default vhost.  +
- +
-Locate the virtual host serving the requests, and add vhost-level rewrite rule to drop the connection using ''​[E=blockbot]''​. +
- +
-  RewriteRule ^/​xmlrpc.php - [E=blockbot:​1] +
- +
-**Note:** Do not apply the above at the server level since it will block //​everyone//​ accessing ''​xmlrpc.php''​ globally. +
- +
- +
-===== Example 3: Cookie Bots ===== +
-If the bots are cookie related, you can also try something like the following and tailor it to what you need. +
- +
-  RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} yourcookiename +
-  RewriteRule .* [F] +
- +
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2024/07/10 19:21
  • by Lisa Clarke