====== DokuWiki Installation ======
This guide will explain how to get up and running with DokuWiki on LiteSpeed Web Server with CentOS 7.
===== Install PHP modules =====
The easiest way to install PHP for LiteSpeed is through our CentOS repository. If the LiteSpeed Repository was not installed and enabled during the web server installation, follow [[http://www.litespeedtech.com/support/wiki/doku.php?id=litespeed_wiki:php:rpm | this guide]] to install and enable the LiteSpeed Repository.
===Step 1. Install PHP===
You can install some of the most commonly used PHP 7.1 packages and modules for LiteSpeed. Use the following command:
sudo yum install lsphp71 lsphp71-mysqlnd lsphp71-common lsphp71-gd lsphp71-pdo lsphp71-process lsphp71-mbstring lsphp71-mcrypt lsphp71-opcache lsphp71-bcmath lsphp71-xml lsphp71-soap lsphp71-json -y
===Step 2. Setup PHP===
Visit ''http://your_server_IP:7080''. Navigate to **Server Configuration > External app**, then click the second icon **Edit** on the right hand side in order to edit this application.\\
* **Name**: lsphp -> ''lsphp71''
* **Command**: $SERVER_ROOT/fcgi-bin/lsphp5 -> ''$SERVER_ROOT/lsphp71/bin/lsphp''
===Step 3.Restart LSWS===
When you are finished, click the **Save** icon to save your changes, then click the **Graceful Restart** button.
===Step 4. PHP Verification===
Visit ''http://your_server_IP/phpinfo.php'' and make sure **PHP Version** shows ''7.1.x''.
===== Download and Extract DokuWiki =====
To illustrate setting up DokuWiki on a vhost we'll use the default virtual host, “Example”. You can download DokuWiki from their official latest version
wget -P /usr/local/lsws/Example/html https://download.dokuwiki.org/src/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-stable.tgz
tar xvf /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/dokuwiki-stable.tgz
chown -R nobody /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/dokuwiki*
# Change file name dokuwiki-$date to dokuwiki will be easier to read
Please note that the document root of "Example" virtual host is ''/usr/local/lsws/DEFAULT/http/''
===== Dokuwiki Installation =====
- Visit the URL ''http://your_server_IP/dokuwiki/install.php'' in your browser and setup your account and password. \\ {{:litespeed_wiki:installation:doku-1.png?|}}
- Once you complete the installer, you can safely remove ''install.php''. \\ {{:litespeed_wiki:installation:doku-2.png?|}} rm -f /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/dokuwiki/install.php
- Now you can start DokuWiki on ''http://your_server_IP/dokuwiki/doku.php'' \\ {{:litespeed_wiki:installation:doku-3.png?|}}