====== Magento CE 2.x Installation ======
This guide will explain how to get up and running with Magento CE 2.x on LiteSpeed Web Server.
===== Install PHP modules =====
The easiest way to install PHP for LiteSpeed is through our CentOS repository. If the LiteSpeed Repository was not installed and enabled during the web server installation, follow [[http://www.litespeedtech.com/support/wiki/doku.php?id=litespeed_wiki:php:rpm | this guide]] to install and enable the LiteSpeed Repository.
===Step 1. Install PHP===
You can install some of the most commonly-used PHP 7.0 packages and modules for LiteSpeed. Use the following command:
sudo yum install lsphp70 lsphp70-mysqlnd lsphp70-common lsphp70-gd lsphp70-pdo lsphp70-process lsphp70-mbstring lsphp70-mcrypt lsphp70-opcache lsphp70-bcmath lsphp70-xml lsphp70-soap lsphp70-json lsphp70-intl -y
===Step 2. Setup PHP===
Visit ''http://your_server_IP:7080''. Navigate to **Server Configuration > External app**, then click the second icon **Edit** on the right hand side in order to edit this application.\\
* **Name**: lsphp -> ''lsphp70''
* **Command**: $SERVER_ROOT/fcgi-bin/lsphp5 -> ''$SERVER_ROOT/lsphp70/bin/lsphp''
===Step 3. Configure PHP===
**Magento 2**: You will need to set the value of "always_populate_raw_post_data" to -1 in the related php.ini file. In this example, this file would be /usr/local/lsws/lsphp70/etc/php.ini. You should also make any memory configuration changes here if your version of Magento requires it.
memory_limit = 768M
max_execution_time = 18000
session.auto_start = 0
For Example:
===Step 4. Restart LSWS===
When you are finished, click the **Save** icon to save your changes, then click the **Graceful Restart** button.
===Step 5. PHP Verification===
Visit ''http://your_server_IP/phpinfo.php'' and make sure **PHP Version** shows ''7.0.x''.
=====MYSQL 5.6 Installation:=====
Install MYSQL 5.6:
**CentOS 6:**
yum install https://repo.mysql.com//mysql57-community-release-el6-11.noarch.rpm
yum install mysql-community-server
systemctl start mysqld
**CentOS 7:**
yum install http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm
yum install mysql-community-server
systemctl start mysqld
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty universe'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install mysql-server-5.6
sudo apt install mysql-client-5.6
=====Create Magento CE DB Account =====
Create the Magento CE database and your Magento CE user/password:
mysql -u root -p (Press enter because we've not set the password)
create database magento; grant all privileges on magento.* to magento@localhost identified by 'magento'; exit;
Note: For security purposes, you should use a Magento CE DB username and password that are different than our example.
===== Set Index File =====
An index file needs to be set in the LiteSpeed Web Admin Console. Navigate to **Virtual Hosts > Select Virtual Host from List > General > Index Files**, click **Edit** in the top right corner, and enter **index.html,index.php** in the **Index Files** box.
{{ :litespeed_wiki:installation:selection_010.png?600 |}}
===== Download and Extract Magento CE =====
To illustrate setting up Magento CE on a vhost we'll use the default virtual host, “Example”. You can download Magento CE from their official [[https://magento.com/tech-resources/download|download page]].
Please note that the document root of 'Example' virtual host is **/usr/local/lsws/Example/html/**
If you have downloaded in zip format, use following:
unzip Magento-CE-x.x.zip
Or if you have downloaded in tar.gz
tar zxf Magento-CE-x.x.tar.gz
Change owernship:
chown -R nobody:nobody /usr/local/lsws/Example/html
===== Magento CE Installation =====
Open the browser with URL ''http://server_IP:8088/''
==== Terms & Agreement ====
Once you open the url in browser you will see this window:
{{ :litespeed_wiki:installation:magento-terms.png?600 |}}
Accept terms and conditions by clicking 'Accept and Setup Magento'.
====Step 1: Readiness Check ====
{{ :litespeed_wiki:installation:readiness_check.png?600 |}}
Magento CE installer needs to check if all the requirements are met, if you have followed all the guidelines above, all requirements should meet, just click 'Start Readiness Check'.
{{ :litespeed_wiki:installation:requirments-met.png?600 |}}
If you see something like this after requirements checks you are good to go, else check which one you are missing and make sure they are met.
====Step 2: Add a Database ====
{{ :litespeed_wiki:installation:magento-database.png?600 |}}
Enter database details we created above.
====Step 3: Web Configuration ====
{{ :litespeed_wiki:installation:magento-web-configurations.png?600 |}}
* Your Store Address: http://yourdomain.com
* Magento Admin Address: http://yourdomain.com/admin
====Step 4: Customize Your Store====
Leave everything default unless you want to change anything.
====Step 5: Create Admin Account====
New Username: litespeed
New Email: example@example.com
New Password: litespeed@123
====Step 6: Install====
After completing all these steps and click install, so that Magento CE installer can install Magento for you, after successful installation you can visit your store at: http://server_IP:8088/