If your get errors from a rails application under LSWS, please try the following trouble shooting steps:
Make sure the rails application works well under WEBrick or mongrel running as the user who own the application.
Some Rails application depends on certain environment variables, LiteSpeed only set “PATH” to “/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin” by default, all other shell environment variables are stripped, you may need to set extra environment vairables under “Server”→“Ruby Rails” tab matching that are under your shell envirnment. For example, RESTful route depends on “HOME” environment variable.
Double check file permissions for your rails application directory.
Make sure Memory and process limits have been set high enough under “Server”→“Ruby Rails” tab.
Check Rails log file, LSWS stderr.log in addition to error.log under lsws/logs directory.
Try reinstalling ruby-lsapi via gem or manually if you found anything abnormal in stderr.log
Check your DB configuration for the mode Rails running as, switching between “Production” and “Development” mode.
Turn on LSWS debug logging by change “Debug Level” to “High”.
strace the rails process, locate the PID of ruby process with command “ps -ef | grep ruby”, then strace them with command like “strace -p <pid_of_ruby_Process>”. You should strace the child ruby process which actually handle the request.