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litespeed_wiki:php:pecl-extension:lsphp74_zip [2020/01/28 16:34]
litespeed_wiki:php:pecl-extension:lsphp74_zip [2020/01/28 22:02] (current)
Lisa Clarke [Solution]
Line 1: Line 1:
-You may encounter an issue that ''​zip''​ extension for lsphp74 ​does not exist or not working in Centos ​7.X system.+====== ​lsphp74 ​Zip Extension Issues With CentOS ​7.x ======
-The reason ​for that is CentOS 7.comes with an old libzip that does not support PHP 7.4+If the zip extension ​for lsphp74 does not exist or is not working on a CentOS 7.x system, this is because CentOS 7 comes with an old libzip ​library ​that does not support PHP 7.4.
-so in order to fix this issue , we will need to manually compile and install zip extension for php7.4+===== Solution =====
 +In order to fix this issue, we need to manually compile and install the zip extension for PHP 7.4, as follows.
-<​code>​yum install http://​packages.psychotic.ninja/​7/​plus/​x86_64/​RPMS//​libzip-0.11.2-6.el7.psychotic.x86_64.rpm+Install the two dependency packages: 
 +<​code>​yum install http://​packages.psychotic.ninja/​7/​plus/​x86_64/​RPMS/​libzip-0.11.2-6.el7.psychotic.x86_64.rpm
-yum install http://​packages.psychotic.ninja/​7/​plus/​x86_64/​RPMS//​libzip-devel-0.11.2-6.el7.psychotic.x86_64.rpm+yum install http://​packages.psychotic.ninja/​7/​plus/​x86_64/​RPMS/​libzip-devel-0.11.2-6.el7.psychotic.x86_64.rpm
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Install those 2 packages , they are required for compilation. +Use ''​pecl''​ to install ​zip:
- +
-and then use ''​pecl''​ to install ​it+
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 21: Line 21:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-and finally kill or restart lsphp to take effect.+Kill or restart lsphp so that the changes may take effect:
 <​code>​pkill lsphp</​code>​ <​code>​pkill lsphp</​code>​
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/01/28 16:34
  • by qtwrk