Case Studies

LiteSpeed provides real solutions for real problems. These are just a few of our success stories.

  • LiteSpeed Cache Package Boosts WordPress Performance

    Rockets have engines, electric guitars have amplifiers, and WordPress has LiteSpeed. We applied LiteSpeed cache solutions to help our customers make the most of their WordPress websites. The actual results convinced us – LiteSpeed did an excellent job.

  • Why LiteSpeed and WAF is Pure Love

    Effectively, we went from a server using up 180-200% of our CPU the majority of the time due to mod_security, down to roughly 100% when using LiteSpeed. What is even more amazing is that the decrease of 80-100% CPU is despite an increase in traffic of 10.8% (from 42.06 million to 46.6 million requests).

  • LSCache Provides All-in-One Optimization for WordPress

    A WordPress site specializing in printable birthday cards and invitations needed a way to maximize their performance without introducing 3rd-party-plugin conflicts. See how they did it with LSCache!

    Invitaciones y Tarjetas de Cumpleaños GRATIS
  • No Room To Optimize? Try LiteMage

    After trying every other optimization solution imaginable, Sustainable Furniture implemented LiteMage Cache with default settings and immediately saw their page load times drop to at least half of what they were previously.

    Sustainable Furniture
  • LiteMage is Caching Made To Order

    Rafasshop were happy to find that, contrary to their past experience testing other caches with their highly complex site, LiteMage worked for them out-of-the-box without the need for any manual configuration.

    Aspiration Hosting
  • LiteSpeed Cuts Load on WordPress Sites

    SigmaWeb's experience shows how LiteSpeed Web Server's event-driven architecture and optimized coding can cut the load for popular web applications like WordPress. LiteSpeed slashed the number of processes the server had to create, reducing overhead — and this improvement was available in minutes through our cPanel plugin.

    Stratos V.
    Owner, SigmaWeb
  • LiteSpeed Speeds Up XenForo

    While nginx as a reverse proxy only helps static content, LiteSpeed Web Server can do wonders for web applications like XenForo. With our control panel plugins, you can switch to LiteSpeed in minutes, making LiteSpeed Web Server a quick and easy way to rein in an out of control site or web application.

  • LiteSpeed Revitalizes Overloaded Servers

    WiredTree uses LiteSpeed Web Server to give their VPS and dedicated server customers a cost-effective solution to overloaded servers. Instead of continually throwing more and more hardware at the problem, switching to LiteSpeed Web Server cuts out the source of the problem — Apache's inefficient architecture. Switching takes only minutes and pages stay consistently fast.

    Joe D.
    VP of Customer Service, WiredTree
  • Serve More Bandwidth With LiteSpeed

    LSWS makes possible web application traffic levels Apache and nginx can't touch. It's efficient PHP handling has given Fans2Cash the speed and reliability they need to grow at breakneck speed.

    Jon B.
    President, Green Olive Tree
  • LiteSpeed Cuts RAM Usage by 95% on Shared Servers

    In August 2014, we switched to LiteSpeed+suEXEC Daemon mode. With suEXEC Daemon mode's shared opcode caching, we immediately reduced RAM usage from 40-50GB consumption + 100GB commit to 2-3GB consumption + commit. Our services run faster, mainly due to this freed up RAM now being utilized for disk caching.

    Scott M.
    Director, Synergy 8
  • LiteMage Cache Drastically Improves Page Load Times

    With the same configuration and LiteMage active, the average response time dropped to an incredible 0.12 seconds with the shortest transaction coming in at 0.06 seconds and the longest at 5.26 seconds (likely a page that was not cacheable). That is a 93.5% reduction in response time, over 15x's faster than before!

    Sindre M.
    CEO of ProperHost