Release Log 2023-10-27 22:05:00 Release Log from LiteSpeed Technologies

LSCache Plugin for OpenCart
Release Log

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LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for OpenCart is frequently updated with new features and bug fixes.

Latest LSCache Plugin for OpenCart v4.0 (07-13-2023)Update

  • UPDATE Minor bug fix and latest package update.

Latest LSCache Plugin for OpenCart v3.0 (07-13-2023)Update

  • UPDATE Minor bug fix and latest package update.

LSCache Plugin 2.3 (10-01-2021)New Features, Updates and Bugfixes

  • NEW FEATURE Add 'Purge Category Cache on Product Save' GUI option.
  • NEW FEATURE Add 'Cache 404 Pages' option.
  • UPDATE Do not purge list page 'product/category/manufacture/information' after editing a single 'product/category/manufacture/information' item.
  • UPDATE Add debug logging to more easily find conflicting 3rd party plugins.
  • UPDATE Generate vary cookie without cookie consent.
  • UPDATE Recached product pages will now crawl up to 5 category layers.
  • UPDATE Recache now adds the number of product category pages.
  • UPDATE Optimize cache vary value for mobile views.
  • BUGFIX Address 'constant already defined' warning.
  • BUGFIX Address minor warning for validation.

LSCache Plugin 2.2 (12-04-2020)New Features, Improvements, Update and Bugfix

  • NEW FEATURE "Include URLs" GUI option (overrides "Page Settings" rules).
  • NEW FEATURE "Exclude URLs for logged-in users" GUI options (overrides "Page Settings" and "Include Url" rules).
  • NEW FEATURE "Exclude URLs" GUI option (overrides "Page Settings" and other URL rules).
  • NEW FEATURE "Purge URLs" GUI feature.
  • IMPROVEMENT Do not generate _lscache_vary cookie if not supported by the requesting browser.
  • IMPROVEMENT Place litespeed directives at the top of the .htaccess file to prevent conflict.
  • IMPROVEMENT Re-cache site map added manufacture URLs.
  • IMPROVEMENT Use Journal code to check device type if the journal theme exists.
  • UPDATE CLI crawler now allows the 127.0.0.x local address in addition to the previously allowed address.
  • BUGFIX GUI panel no longer uses HTTP links for HTTPS sites.

LSCache Plugin 2.1.0 (09-13-2020)New Feature, Update

  • NEW FEATURE Add 'Rebuild Cache for specific devices/browsers' feature and GUI option.
  • UPDATE Change cli commands for "purge all cache" and "rebuild all cache" and improved re-cache speed.

LSCache Plugin 2.0.0 (09-03-2020)New Feature, Update, Tuning & Bugfixes

  • NEW FEATURE Add 'Separate Cache for Safari browser' feature and GUI option.
  • UPDATE Log device browser user_agent info in the fist line of page output.
  • TUNING Change default settings for Journal theme.
  • BUGFIX Redirects no longer prevent auto purge from working.
  • BUGFIX Solve ESI cart display problem in Journal theme.

LSCache Plugin 1.3.1 (05-13-2020)Updates

  • UPDATE Add support for additional devices to mobile_detect.php.
  • UPDATE Detect more mobile http_user_agent values in .htaccess.
  • UPDATE Separate tablet cache copy from mobile cache copy according to journal theme.

LSCache Plugin 1.3.0 (07-31-2019)New Features, Bugfix

  • NEW FEATURE Add 'Ajax load shopcart' feature to avoid cart display problems with some 3rd party themes.
  • NEW FEATURE Add 'Separate View for Mobile Device' feature and GUI option.
  • BUGFIX Correct Login area being cached when it shouldn't have been and improved overall performance.

LSCache Plugin 1.2.1 (03-05-2019)New Feature

  • NEW FEATURE Added 'Separate View for Mobile Device' feature and GUI option.

LSCache Plugin 1.2.0 (02-22-2019)New Features, Improvements

  • NEW FEATURE Added Guest Mode feature, to improve load speed for non-session visitors.
  • NEW FEATURE Added cache warm up (recache) options: "for all currencies," "for all languages," "for all language and currency combinations".
  • NEW FEATURE Added cache warm up CLI command support.
  • NEW FEATURE Added purgeAll CLI command support.
  • IMPROVEMENT Ensure LSCache plugin admin GUI is refreshed after installation or upgrade.

LSCache Plugin 1.1.0 (11-16-2018)New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • NEW FEATURE Added Ajax Load Wishlist option, on by default.
  • NEW FEATURE Added Ajax Load Compare option, off by default.
  • IMPROVEMENT Now compatible with more 3rd party themes, including the Journal theme.
  • IMPROVEMENT Increased speed of changing Language/Currency.
  • BUGFIX Fixed an issue where 'Purge All LiteSpeed Cache' header button didn't work.

LSCache Plugin 1.0.2 (11-02-2018)Updates, & Bug Fixes

  • UPDATE Stop "Rebuild All LiteSpeed Cache" if the crawler feature is disabled at the server level.
  • UPDATE Added "debug current session" mode to logging options in admin panel.
  • BUGFIX Fixed an issue that could cause errors in PHP version 5.5 or lower.
  • BUGFIX Fixed an issue that could cause JavaScript warnings.

LSCache Plugin 1.0.1 (10-30-2018)New Features, Improvements, & Bug Fixes

  • NEW FEATURE Added the ability to enable logging only for the current user session for debugging purposes
  • IMPROVEMENT Fixed an improper display issue caused by the web server buffer when clicking the 'rebuild all litespeed cache' button.
  • UPDATE Minor update to avoid cross-site scripting errors and warning messages.
  • BUGFIX Fixed admin panel web pages displaying the wrong title for some sites.
  • BUGFIX Fixed an ESI module load exception bug with OpenCart v2.3.
  • BUGFIX Fix a bug that caused display errors and continuous refreshing for the shopping cart in some themes.

LSCache Plugin 1.0(10-1-2018) New Features & Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • NEW FEATURE Add Purge All LiteSpeed Cache button to admin header.
  • BUGFIX Fixed an issue that caused the information page not to be cached.

LSCache Plugin 1.0 Beta(9-21-2018)Initial Release

  • NEW FEATURE Automatically purge related pages after modifying OpenCart Product/Category/Information/Manufacturer data.
  • NEW FEATURE Automatically purge ESI cart module after adding a product to the cart or editing the cart.
  • NEW FEATURE Rebuild All LiteSpeed Cache feature will crawl all sitemap URLs to warm up the page cache.
  • NEW FEATURE ESI Modules Management allows user to Add/Edit/Remove ESI modules.
  • NEW FEATURE Page Management allows user to change page cache settings or to add new pages to LiteSpeed Cache.
  • NEW FEATURE Automatically purge ESI module after modifying related OpenCart data.