Release Log 2023-09-05 20:33:51 Release Log from LiteSpeed Technologies

LSCache Module for PrestaShop (LSCPS)
Release Log

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LSCPS is constantly updated with new features and bug fixes.

  • LSCPS Module 1.4.1(09-05-2023)Updates & Bugfixes

  • UPDATE Removed the customer and cart data from javascript "prestashop" variable for cached pages.
  • UPDATE Added "Do not flush" option in flush product settings.
  • UPDATE When a specific price is deleted or updated, or a production attribute is deleted from the admin backend, auto purge the product page.
  • BUGFIX Updated AdminModule Link in the redirect URL.
  • BUGFIX Added missing input ID in the form input fields for Prestashop V8 compatibility.
  • LSCPS Module 1.4.0(10-29-2020)New Features, Improvements, Bugfixes

  • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Allow page to be cacheable when there is a vary change for context.
  • IMPROVEMENT Refactored third party integration to allow better control and more flexibility.
  • IMPROVEMENT Fine tuned page purge behavior and reduced unnecessary Purge All actions.
  • NEW FEATURE Added a new configuration for Vary Bypass variables.
  • NEW FEATURE Added a new configuration for Enable Debug Headers for easy troubleshooting.
  • NEW FEATURE Added integration support for Panda/Transform themes from
  • NEW FEATURE Added integration support for Cart drop down module (pscartdropdown).
  • NEW FEATURE Added a new configuration for Flush Home Page.
  • BUGFIX Added return parameters in filter hooks, to allow other modules to continue with filter process.
  • LSCPS Module 1.3.0(07-28-2020)New Features, Improvements, Updates

    • NEW FEATURE Added built-in support for caching product comments block.
      • - Allow setting a different TTL for product comments since there is no auto purge when comments are updated.
      • - Allow purge all comments block, or purge comments for a particular product ID In LSCache management page.
    • NEW FEATURE Added a dedicated LSCache Vary cookie for AMP.
    • NEW FEATURE Added built-in support for promokit pspagebuilder and pk_amp modules.
      • - pspagebuilder will handle header with sign-in block and cart block
      • - pk_amp will support AMP view using the new built-in AMP vary cookie.
    • IMPROVEMENT Third Party Module Integration Improvements:
      • - Added predispatch hook point.
      • - Allow adding extra public cacheable controllers.
      • - Added hook point for adding cache tags.
      • - Module integration is now based on Module::isEnabled instead of Module::isInstalled.
    • UPDATE LSCache will be automatically purged when Smarty Cache is purged from Admin backend performance page (PS 1.6 & PS 1.7).
    • UPDATE Improved compatibility with PS 1.6 for hook registration method.
    • UPDATE Display current module version on LSCache config screen in Admin dashboard.
    • UPDATE Allow purge by shop ID from LSCache management screen in Admin dashboard.

    LSCPS Module 1.2.7(10-02-2019)New Features & Updates

    LSCPS Module 1.2.6(03-18-2019)New Features & Bug Fixes

    • NEW FEATURE Added web service hooks to auto-purge related products when there are updates or stock status changes.
    • NEW FEATURE Added support for blockwishlist for PS 1.6.
    • BUGFIX Fixed an issue where uploading a new product image from the back office could cause an exception.
    • BUGFIX Fixed the debug log file directory for PS 1.7.4 and 1.7.5.

    LSCPS Module 1.2.5(10-08-2018)Improvements & Bug Fixes

    • IMPROVEMENT Allow PS1.6 styled non-widget modules for ESI customization. Now user can add customization for uecookie.
    • BUGFIX Fixed compatibility with third party modules for check out triggered purge actions.

    LSCPS Module 1.2.4(7-31-2018)Major New Features & Improvements

    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Added LSCPS crawler; requires setup via separate cron job.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved mobile browsing under guest mode.
    • IMPROVEMENT If a page contains products with specific prices, TTL will be auto adjusted based on special price effective dates.

    LSCPS Module 1.2.3(6-29-2018)Major New Features & Improvements

    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Added ability to auto flush products and related categories after a new order is placed.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved auto flush and added more built-in integration.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved ESI injection implementation for JavaScript variables.
    • IMPROVEMENT Added default support for third party modules: iqitcookielaw and iqitpopup (Warehouse theme), gdprpro (from PrestaChamps).
    • IMPROVEMENT Added language packs for Dutch and German.

    LSCPS Module 1.2.2(2-11-2018)Improvements & Bug Fixes

    • IMPROVEMENT Improved compatibility with PS 1.7.2.
    • BUGFIX Fixed missing purge header when saving a product in PS1.7.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug in ESI injection introduced in v1.2.1.

    LSCPS Module 1.2.1(2-03-2018)Bug Fixes

    • BUGFIX Fixed ESI injection inside JavaScript.
    • BUGFIX Fixed the compatibility with Iqit Warehouse theme v4.1.5 via ESI injection fix.

    LSCPS Module 1.2.0(10-31-2017)New Features and Improvements

    • NEW FEATURE Improved first page load for new visitors. This requires LiteSpeed Enterprise 5.2.2 BUILD1 or higher.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved compatibility with PS 1.6.
    • IMPROVEMENT .htaccess is auto updated when settings changed. No longer need to manually update it.

    LSCPS Module 1.1.1(10-06-2017)Major Improvements & Bug Fixes

    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Compatible with PS 1.6.0 branch.
    • BUGFIX Fixed compatibility issue with PS 1.6.0 branch.

    LSCPS Module 1.1.0(10-04-2017)Major Improvements

    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Support for PS1.6 and PS1.7.
    • UPDATE Added integration framework for PS1.6 and PS1.7. More third-party integration can be easily added following this structure.

    LSCPS Module 1.0.0(8-14-2017)Initial Release

  • LSCPS Crawler Script – 1.9.3 (08-15-2023) New Feature & Improvements

    • NEW FEATURE Added support for escape option
    • NEW FEATURE Added support for custom cookie option
    • IMPROVEMENT Optimize the response header filter function

    LSCPS Crawler Script – 1.8.0 (01-27-2021) New Feature & Improvements

    • NEW FEATURE Added support for webp option
    • IMPROVEMENT General User-Agent for Mobile
    • IMPROVEMENT Support sitemap link with Private SSL

    LSCPS Crawler Script – 1.7.4 (09-08-2020) Improvements

    • IMPROVEMENT Support caching to final URL after redirecting with status code 30x
    • IMPROVEMENT Display Help message more clearly

    LSCPS Crawler Script – 1.7.3 (10-23-2019) New Features & Improvements

    • NEW FEATURE Added support for a crawler result report
    • NEW FEATURE Script will now auto abort after 10 consecutive page errors or no-cache-detected issues
    • IMPROVEMENT Added more statuses to error code detection
    • IMPROVEMENT Update blacklist format to match whole line

    LSCPS Crawler Script – 1.7 (06-25-2019) New Features & Improvements

    • NEW FEATURE Added ability to auto add invalid pages to blacklist and bypass crawling in the future
    • NEW FEATURE Added debugging methods for URLs that have crawling issues
    • IMPROVEMENT Excluded Cloudflare cookie from crawl output
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved compatibility with server behind LSADC and
    • IMPROVEMENT Get cookie information for -c parameter by using first valid URL with random query string
    • IMPROVEMENT Improvement Curl command now includes the HTTP response headers in the output