SOLVED: How to find more info on 503 errors?


Well-Known Member
Since moving away from Apache, we're getting a bunch of 503 errors on pages outside the caching system. How do I find why this is happening?

have already set abort: no and auto fix=yes.

This is seriously having an impact on business and I'm left wondering is it even worth it if this keeps happening?

The pages in questions are all various pages behind an admin system, and include pages that have very little overhead - such as login page etc...

The site is running php7.0, and uses opcode.


Well-Known Member
What does this suggest?

2020-05-28 08:19:17.020922 [NOTICE] [1643793] [] No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI process group [-1], possible run away process.
2020-05-28 08:19:17.020944 [NOTICE] [1643793] [] Max retries has been reached, 503!
2020-05-28 08:19:17.020951 [NOTICE] [1643793] [] oops! 503 Service Unavailable
2020-05-28 08:19:17.020953 [NOTICE] [1643793] [] Content len: 179, Request line: 'POST /admin/login.php HTTP/1.1'
2020-05-28 08:19:17.020954 [INFO] [1643793] [] Cookie len: 313, __utma=260911760.1023120361.1568156047.1590548143.1590617558.408; __utmz=260911760.1568156047.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided); site_admin_cookie=site_admin_logged_in; PHPSESSID=o6bv7nonhhvba1ho22fpfn7e84; __utmb=260911760.2.10.1590617558; __utmc=260911760; __utmt=1
2020-05-28 08:19:17.020957 [INFO] [1643793] [] abort request..., code: 4
2020-05-28 08:19:17.020990 [INFO] [1643793] [] File not found [/home/website/subdomains/here/httpdocs/503.shtml]
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Well-Known Member
What doesn't make sense though, is that it;s only happening in a 30 minute window, on a specific page. All other times of the day, the page is perfectly fine.


Well-Known Member
OK, so i worked out, the cause was from a stock update script that takes about 45 mins to get and sync data fro an external db. The sync runs via cron.

<IfModule lsapi_module>
   php_flag display_errors Off
   php_value max_execution_time 90
   php_value max_input_time 120
   php_value max_input_vars 3000
   php_value memory_limit -1
   php_value post_max_size 512M
   php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 14400
   php_value session.save_path "/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php70"
   php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
   php_flag zlib.output_compression On
Attached the is the custom php.ini, so why are we getting the 503 still? Is there another place we need to make a change to execution time or something?

** this was never an issue under apache.


Staff member
Do you mean you only get 503 error when a stock update script run around 30 mins on a specific page, none of other situations?


Well-Known Member
lsapi is running, yes (we had actually switched to lsapi before moving to LSWS).

And yes, the 503 only seems to happen when this script is running in the background.

Is there a way to whitelist a path, or tell LSWS to ignore limits on a dir or something?
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Still no luck really. I added .htacess and "whitelisted" (no abort/timeout) all files in the folder that has the script that runs. The script runs fine.

Issue is, almost as soon as I run it, either as a wget or as a url, it almost immediately throws a 503 on any non-cached file on the site (and continues to run successfully for 40 mins or so) .
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Staff member
Could you log a ticket with us and provide tmp root ssh login to your server, and detailed wget and curl commands for us to check the errors?


Well-Known Member
Issue appears to be resolved now, thanks to the help from admin.
For anyone having a similar issue, this is what I did.

  1. lsws web admin->Server->General->PHP suEXEC Max Conn
    changed from default 10 > 40 (our server has 8 cores)
    restart lsws

  2. pkill lsphp (just to make sure restart applied changes)