Memcached/redis disabled on one domain only


I have several Wordpress blog hosted on a Litespeed server. Memcached and redis are activated on the cpanel. I have several other blogs and they all have Litespeed cache installed and running.

But for some reason, one of my blog pretends memcached and redis are disabled. I just can't make it understand it is mistaking.

I've tried to disable all plugins, uninstall, reinstall, empty my browser's cache... Nothing. On this one domain, it keeps on pretending memcached and redis are disabled.

What can I do?

Thanks in advance for your answers.




Well-Known Member
hold on

let me clarify this

1. standalone phpinfo page , you see redis and memcached , right ?

2. phpinfo inserted in wp-config.php , you don't see redis/memcached , correct ?
hold on

let me clarify this

1. standalone phpinfo page , you see redis and memcached , right ?

2. phpinfo inserted in wp-config.php , you don't see redis/memcached , correct ?


1. phpinfo page in the /public_html: I see redis and memcached.
2. phpinfo inserted in header.php, I don't see redis/memecached.
3. All the blogs have both activated except from one.



Well-Known Member
now that is interesting ,

does your WP and this standalone phpinfo script on SAME DIRECTORY ? or they are aparted from different directories ?
I'm not sure I understand, so I explain and hope you can make something out of it:

I'm hosted at xxx.

In my /public_html I have my main domain. This is where I have phpinfo.php that I made.

My add-on domains are each placed in a subfolder to /public_html

So the second file, the one from the config-file, is from one of these domains.

I have several add-on domains there, and only have problems with this one.

I hope I answered your question :)


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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I understand, so I explain and hope you can make something out of it:

I'm hosted at NameHero.

In my /public_html I have my main domain. This is where I have phpinfo.php that I made.

My add-on domains are each placed in a subfolder to /public_html

So the second file, the one from the config-file, is from one of these domains.

I have several add-on domains there, and only have problems with this one.

I hope I answered your question :)



in your 2 phpinfo pages , search for keyword "$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']"

then post me result on both of them.