how to install Mod_Security


Well-Known Member
i typed SecAuditLog logs/audit_log at the bottom in rules , now whereis logs/audit_log ? it's in /var/logs/audit_log Or in /etc/modsecurity or another path ?

i'm so sorry for my cheap questions,
Best Regards
Where is your rules file? For example, if it is in /etc/modsecurity/ then the audit_log file will be in /etc/logs/audit_log
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my rules is in /etc/modsecurity2/ and loaded from /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-includes.conf , so where is correct location ?

/etc/logs/audit_log didn't exist , this path ( or correct path ) will be create Or must be create manualy ?!

Best Regards
You need to make the folder if it doens't exist. It should be in /etc/logs/audit_log
i do this , and i set chmod 777 for /etc/logs and for /etc/logs/audit_log ,

but after that i opened scriptet like c99 shell script and other part of my servers has problem with rules , but any thing wasn't in /etc/logs/audit_log

any idea !?


Well-Known Member
Change the owner of the file to the same user that Apache is running as. If it still doesn't work then it could be due to the fact that mod_security 2 uses different syntax.
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[root@nvidia logs]# chown -R apache:apache *
[root@nvidia logs]# ls -la

drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jul 24 17:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 49 root root 4096 Jul 28 18:51 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 apache apache 1 Jul 26 14:39 audit_log
[root@nvidia logs]#
everythings allright !? is any thing wrong with this ?


Active Member
Correct is :

set full path in your rule files , here for example my log file is a logz and located in /etc/modsecurity2/logs

SecAuditLog /etc/modsecurity2/logs/logz