great. I think this is the right place/method for your crawler to run.
Sorry, this is not great. Offering a CLI variant of crawler is an option, but not the one and only option. This option is intended to run in cronjob, but is only a small part of complex application with a lot of features and functions.
in general, web server is not suitable for long time running task/script. better to use command line if possible in such case.
This comment is like a knockout for LiteSpeed Enterprise webserver and stands completely against all what LSWS makes valuable. If this is a official statement you better should remove a lot of descriptions in LSWS website and documentations!
If web server is not suitable for long time running task/script what is noconntimeout directive good for?!
for($i=1 to 100){ curl_exec(...); print "finished url[$i]"; flush(); };
My crawler is a multi threading crawler and doesn't work serial. It makes 100 or whatever number of requests parallel. Up to 1 million requests within 1 hour.