How to use hole punching in magento 2?

The following site claims that litemage supports hole punching (ESI)
But I can't find any practiable examples on how to mark a block or certain code in a template as private.

Are there any practiable examples or is there a documentation for magento 2?

EDIT: I can't post the link properly, I get "Your content can not be submitted. This is likely because your content is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements."

www . litespeedtech . com/products/cache-plugins/magento-acceleration/hole-punching
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Thank you, that worked! :)

This is the response I got from the support btw:
"We don't have any dev doc for LiteMage.
If you are an advanced Magento 2 developer, you can check LiteMage code and should be able to figure out how ESI is implemented.

If you have further questions after that, you can join golitespeed slack channel to reach out Lauren at LiteSpeed."
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