Make yourself some extra money and upgrade them to a dedi? Tell them to fix their code?
Well enabling PHP caching again solved it mostly and limiting php processes. Wordpress eats a lot
We only use litespeed due to better memory management I honestly don't feel quicker page loads, bout same as apache under load before it'd hang up. However the loads are smooth, no matter what the req/sec it's solid and from the munin graph it looks rock solid so I'm beginning to find LiteSpeed worth the cost already.
Enabling PHP caching again stopped the high cpu loads randomly (PHP proc's of wordpress love to just spike to 60/90 even 99/101%) so if some client's get a burst and their blog is running like crap
XCache knocked the CPU usage down amazingly
, didn't eralize how much benefit it was since I've used it for 3 years straight, our box would just swap though so obviously LiteSpeed does somthing right with PHP