litespeed service keeps going to 100% CPU usage


LiteSpeed Staff
You can update to 5.4.4 build 8, or upcoming 5.4.5 build 0.
/usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -f -v 5.4.5

You can also use "strace -tt -T -p <pid_of_99%_cpu_process>" to check what it is doing.
lsphp service seems fine, but the litespeed service gets stuck at 100% CPU usage at least once a week or so.
If I restart services then it goes back to normal and stays normal a few days.

I'm unsure of commands needed to gather logs or get other info ya'll may need to help me with.
When I click on "logs" from the menu pictured below, there is nothing there.

CentOS7 is the OS on my server.
I've done yum updates & full reboots several times but issue still happens.

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The Error arises if you don't update the build to latest keep it updated and then check the logs.